Raimondo Feletti
Raimondo Feletti was an Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...

 and zoologist.

Feletti worked at a clinic in Catania
Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse. It is the capital of the homonymous province, and with 298,957 inhabitants it is the second-largest city in Sicily and the tenth in Italy.Catania is known to have a seismic history and...

 where a street is named for him "Via Raimondo Feletti".With Giovanni Batista Grassi he published several works on malaria
Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease of humans and other animals caused by eukaryotic protists of the genus Plasmodium. The disease results from the multiplication of Plasmodium parasites within red blood cells, causing symptoms that typically include fever and headache, in severe cases...

l parasites in birds.They described, and introduced the names Haemamoeba vivax
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium vivax is a protozoal parasite and a human pathogen. The most frequent and widely distributed cause of recurring malaria, P. vivax is one of the four species of malarial parasite that commonly infect humans. It is less virulent than Plasmodium falciparum, which is the deadliest of the...

(1890) and H. malariae
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium malariae is a parasitic protozoa that causes malaria in humans. It is closely related to Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax which are responsible for most malarial infection. While found worldwide, it is a so-called "benign malaria" and is not nearly as dangerous as that...

(1889) for, two of the malaria parasites, soon revising the genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

 to Plasmodium
Plasmodium is a genus of parasitic protists. Infection by these organisms is known as malaria. The genus Plasmodium was described in 1885 by Ettore Marchiafava and Angelo Celli. Currently over 200 species of this genus are recognized and new species continue to be described.Of the over 200 known...

. In 1889 Grassi and Feletti, as an honor to Laveran
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran was a French physician.In 1880, while working in the military hospital in Constantine, Algeria, he discovered that the cause of malaria is a protozoan, after observing the parasites in a blood smear taken from a patient who had just died of malaria.He also helped...

, proposed the genus name Laverania . It is now a subgenus of Plasmodium.


  • With Grassi, B., 1889, 1890. Sui parassiti della malaria. Rif. Med. 6 : 62-64. (The 1889 paper was a preprint of the 1890 paper according to Hemming
    Arthur Francis Hemming
    Arthur Francis Hemming was an English entomologist who specialised in Lepidoptera. He was mostly known, both professionally and socially, as Francis Hemming.Hemming was a British civil servant and amateur lepidopterist...

    , 1954).
  • With Grassi, B., 1890. Parasites malariques chez les oiseaux. Arch. Ital. de Biologie 13 : 297-300.
  • With Grassi, B., 1892. Contribuzione allo studio die parassiti malarici. Atti Accad. Gioenia. Series 4,5 : 1-81.

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