Rajah Sulaiman I
Sulaiman I also known as Salalila (from Sanskrit syarirah शरीर
Śarīra are generic terms for "Buddhist relics", although in common usage these terms usually refer to a kind of pearl or crystal-like bead-shaped objects that are purportedly found among the cremated ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters...

), was a Rajah of Tondo. A son of Dayang Kalangitan
Dayang Kalangitan
Dayang Kalangitan was the Queen regnant of Tondo, the eldest daughter of Rajah Gambang, and the co-ruler of her husband Gat Lontok. She was considered to be one of the more powerful rulers of the kingdom that spanned swaths of land around the Pasig River, enlarging the kingdom's...

 and Gat Lontok, Sulaiman I's reign marked a golden age in the history of Tondo. After his death in 1558, he was succeeded by his sons Rajah Matanda
Rajah Matanda
Rajah Ache Matanda was a 16th century Muslim chieftain of the Kingdom of Maynila, a Tagalog kingdom on the region of the Pasig River in the Philippines...

, who became
king of Maynila, and Rajah Lakan Dula
Rajah Lakan Dula
Lakan Banaw Dula or Gat Banaw Dula , often referred to simply by his title Lakan Dula, and later baptised Lakan Carlos Dula, was the Lakan of the pre-colonial Philippine Kingdom of Tondo when the Spaniards first conquered the lands of the Pasig River delta in the 1570s...

who became king of Tondo.
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