Ramon Bagatsing
Dr. Ramon D. Bagatsing was the Mayor of Manila
Mayor of Manila
The Mayor of Manila is the head of the executive branch of the City of Manila's government. The mayor holds office at Manila City Hall. Like all local government heads in the Philippines, the mayor is elected via popular vote, and may not be elected for a fourth consecutive term...

 during Martial Law from 1971 to 1986. He was the first Indian Filipino to serve in this position.

Early Life and Military Career

Born on August 19, 1916, in Fabrica
Fabrica is the name of several barrios in the Philippines, including in the province of Negros Occidental, in the Republic of the Philippines...

, Sagay, Negros Occidental
Negros Occidental
Negros Occidental is a province of the Philippines located in the Western Visayas region. Its capital is Bacolod City and it occupies the northwestern half of Negros Island; Negros Oriental is at the southeastern half...

 to Indian parents, Bagatsing started his public service career as a patrolman in the Manila Police Department from 1939 to 1941. When World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

 broke out in 1941, he was enlisted in the United States Armed Forces
United States armed forces
The United States Armed Forces are the military forces of the United States. They consist of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.The United States has a strong tradition of civilian control of the military...

 in the Far East (USAFFE). He started as a First Sergeant from 1941 to 1943, promoted to First Lieutenant in 1947, then to Captain in 1957, and Major in 1959.

For his military service, Bagatsing was awarded the American Defense Ribbon, the Philippine Defense Ribbon, the Asia-Pacific Campaign Medal and the Plaque of Silver Kris of the Philippine Veterans Federation. He was national commander of the Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor and member of the Philippine Veterans Legion, American Legion and American Disabled Veterans.

Early Political Career & Mayor of Manila

After a stint as Public Relations and Personnel Manager of Elizalde & Company from 1947 to 1957, he entered politics and was elected Congressman of the third district of Manila for a four-year term, from 1957 to 1961. He is founder and benefactor of the Ramon D. Bagatsing Scholarship Foundation Inc., established in 1958. More than 1,300 students received scholarships from the foundation, many of whom have become successful professionals here and abroad. He was re-elected to another four-year term (1961 to 1965). As a Congressman, Bagatsing authored several landmark bills including the Philippine Veterans Act, The National Stud Farm law among others. After his second term, he joined the Cabinet as Chief of the Presidential Agency on Reforms and Government Operations (PARGO) from 1967 to 1969.During his stint at PARGO, Bagatsing was dubbed by the Philippine Free Press as "Mr. Incorruptible". He prosecuted several high profile corruption cases in his two years at PARGO including the high profile conviction of a powerful Metro Manila Mayor for graft. He ran again for his old seat in Congress and was elected to a third term in 1969. Bagatsing was one of the survivors of the Plaza Miranda bombing. The Plaza Miranda Bombing was one of the bloodiest political massacres in Philippine history. The Public meeting was meant to be Bagatsing's Official proclamation as Mayoral Candidate for Manila for the opposition Liberal party. The bloody incident caused his left leg to be amputated, but his personal tragedy became a rallying point and galvanized support for the Liberal Party.

In 1971, he vied for the mayoralty position and won by a landslide. Early in his 15-year term, Bagatsing established the first Barangay Buerau in the Philippines. This created the blueprint for the Barangay (village) system as the basic political unit for Manila. This was quickly replicated by the national government and still survives to this day. He also set up the Manila Tourism office, which was a first for a Philippine local government. The City of Manila was at the height of its stature and prestige during most Bagatsing's leadership as Makati and Quezon City were still largely undeveloped. Even though he won his Mayoralty as a member of the Liberal party opposition he kept his post during the entire martial law years, maintained his clean record and was one of the first to voluntarily step down to allow for a leadership transition after the 1986 EDSA revolution. In his almost fifty years of public service Bagatsing has never been accused of any taint of graft or corruption and to this day his name still carries a legacy of honesty and integrity in public service. A legacy that's being overwhelmed by the corruption, moral decay and criminal impugnity prevalent in Philippine politics today.

Ramon Bagatsing obtained his Master of Laws degree in 1971 from the UST Graduate school (GS) and finished his Doctor of Civil Law degree in 1977. As an active member of the UST GS Alumni Association. Bagatsing supported the association’s projects such as scholarship programs and annual awarding ceremonies through his regular donations. He was also a past International Director of the Lion's club, Chairman of the Philippine Red Cross Manila Chapter, Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus and was Chair or Director of various charitable institutions.


Ramon Bagatsing died on February 14, 2006 at 6:00 in the morning due to cardiac arrest. His remains were laid to rest last Feb. 17 at the South Cemetery after a necrological service at the Manila City Hall and at the Loreto Church. There he joined his wife, Juanita Humbria Sevilla (deceased 1998), and is survived by his children: Ramon I, Rica, Vice-Mayor Rey, Congressmen Amado and Ramon Jr., Jesus, Manuel, Eduardo, Roy, Raul, Marilyn, Lani and Valentino.
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