Rand Peak
Rand Peak is a prominent peak
Summit (topography)
In topography, a summit is a point on a surface that is higher in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it. Mathematically, a summit is a local maximum in elevation...

 (1510 m) in the south part of Nebraska Peaks
Nebraska Peaks
Nebraska Peaks is a scattered group of peaks and nunataks which lie east of Gaussiran Glacier and Merrick Glacier in the east part of Britannia Range. Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names after the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, which was the location of the Ross Ice Shelf Project...

, Britannia Range. Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names
Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names
The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names is an advisory committee of the United States Board on Geographic Names responsible for recommending names for features in Antarctica...

 (US-ACAN) after John H. Rand, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), who drilled ice core at site J-9 (82?22'S, 168?40'W) during the Ross Ice Shelf Project, austral summers 1974-75 and 1976-77.
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