, antispyware, and other antimalware
programs, which is arguably their most important feature. This monitors computer systems for suspicious activity such as computer viruses, spyware
, adware
, and other malicious objects in 'real-time', in other words while data is coming into the computer (for example when inserting a CD, opening an email, or browsing the web) or when a file already on the computer is opened or executed, in other words loaded into the computer's active memory.
A fool's mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man's tongue is under the control of his mind.
I never heard tell of any clever man that came of entirely stupid people.
Aristotle taught that the brain exists merely to cool the blood and is not involved in the process of thinking. This is true only of certain persons.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
"Folly is as great as the sea. It can compass anything."
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.
There is no sin except stupidity.
Weapons-Grade Stupidity: Tech-support slang for customer intelligence that is so low it poses a severe hazard to those who come in contact with it.