Relendo Dilermando Reis
Relendo Dilermando Reis is a 1994 album recorded by the Brazilian musician Raphael Rabello. Produced by J. C. Botezelli, also known as Pelão, the album won Prêmio Sharp for Best Soloist in the same year. The disc presents many choro
Choro , traditionally called chorinho , is a Brazilian popular music instrumental style. Its origins are in 19th century Rio de Janeiro. In spite of the name, the style often has a fast and happy rhythm, characterized by virtuosity, improvisation, subtile modulations and full of syncopation and...

 and waltz
The waltz is a ballroom and folk dance in time, performed primarily in closed position.- History :There are several references to a sliding or gliding dance,- a waltz, from the 16th century including the representations of the printer H.S. Beheim...

 songs interpreted by Dilermando Reis
Dilermando Reis
Dilermando Reis was a Brazilian musician, composer, acoustic guitarist and music teacher. He once had Juscelino Kubitschek, the former Brazilian president, as a student....

in the past.

Track listing

# |Title Songwriters Length
1. "Abismo de rosas" Américo Jacomino (Canhoto) 4:15
2. "Doutor Sabe Tudo" Dilermando Reis 2:58
3. "Interrogando" João Pernambuco 2:53
4. "Uma valsa e dois amores" Dilermando Reis 3:47
5. "Brejeiro" Ernesto Nazareth 3:03
6. "Se ela perguntar" Dilermando Reis, Jair Amorim 6:43
7. "Sons de carrilhões" João Pernambuco 3:35
8. "Xodó da baiana" Dilermando Reis 6:00
9. "Magoado" Dilermando Reis 4:04
10. "Tempo de criança" Dilermando Reis 3:29
11. "Marcha dos marinheiros" Américo Jacomino (Canhoto) 2:48
12. "Noite de lua" Dilermando Reis 4:48
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