Resell rights
Many ebooks and pieces of software, especially in the field of online or internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide...

Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments...

, are sold with resell rights included. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between normal resell rights and master resell rights.

Most resale rights packages will not let you alter any of its content or in any way change/tamper with the information. Always read the disclaimers surrounding them. If you wanted to change the content you would have to contact the author and request a partnership or buy the editing rights to the product.

Not every country has resell rights products in their language,for example, Taiwan hasn't resell rights ebook or products until 2011.

Normal resell rights

Normal resell rights mean that after you buy the item you will be allowed to sell it to your customers. There may be limitations, such as that you can only sell the product for a specific price.
This term is also known as Resale Rights. When a product comes with resell rights it means that you can sell the product to just about anyone and keep 100% of the profit. The product you sell though should only include the PUO (Personal Use Only) right, in other words, you can NOT give the resell rights when you sell this type of product.

Master resell rights

When you acquire master resell rights, you sell the product/service to your customers, and you may also grant your customers the right to sell it. You can also pass master resell rights to your customers, if you are in possession of transferable master resell rights. This allows your customers to also sell the product with master resell rights.

Private label

With private label resell
Private label rights
Private label rights is a concept used in Internet Marketing and derived from private labeling. It's a license where the author sell most or all of the intellectual property rights to their work...

rights, you may not only resell the product but you may also edit the content or product and claim it as your own work (meaning, you become its author). Private Label Rights vary, with licenses offering full authorship while others limit distribution, and restrict what can be done with the content (restricted private label versus unrestricted private label)


With rebranding resell rights, you may replace the author links with yours. That is in addition to normal resell rights. Typically, resell rights can not be sold with any rights other than regular distribution. Source code such as DOC or PSD files are not usually included, giving the buyer little control over the content, and no option to edit existing material.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.