in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.
described two types of political revolution:
- Complete change from one constitution to another
- Modification of an existing constitution.
Revolutions have occurred through human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, and motivating ideology
Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly, and modestly. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one Class struggle|class overthrows another.
A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it drop.
REVOLUTIONARY: An oppressed person waiting for the opportunity to become an oppressor.
And I realized that the only purpose to revolution is to be able to love who you want, how you want, when you want and where you want...
Revolution: Political movement which gets many people´s hopes up, let´s even more people down, makes almost everybody uncomfortable, and a few, extraordinarily rich. It is widely held in high regard.
The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny. When it becomes incapable of performing this duty it must be transformed.
Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.
Every revolution was first a thought in one man's mind; and when the same thought occurs to another man, it is the key to that era.
The succeessful revolutionary is a statesman, the unsuccessful one a criminal.