Richard Kissack
Richard Kissack is a Manx
Isle of Man
The Isle of Man , otherwise known simply as Mann , is a self-governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, within the British Isles. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who holds the title of Lord of Mann. The Lord of Mann is...

 politician, recruitment consultant and accountant. He is married with 4 children and was educated at Willaston Primary School, Douglas High and Ballakermeen
Ballakermeen High School
Ballakermeen High School is a coeducational comprehensive secondary school based on a single site in Douglas, on the Isle of Man.The school curremtly has 1500+ students aged 11-18, making it the larger of the two secondary schools in Douglas in terms of student numbers and the largest on the...

 and was awarded a Masters degree in chemical engineering from Leeds University.

He is a councillor in Douglas and is standing for election to the House of Keys
House of Keys
The House of Keys is the directly elected lower branch of Tynwald, the parliament of the Isle of Man, the other branch being the Legislative Council....

 in the Douglas East
Douglas East
Douglas East is a House of Keys constituency in Douglas, Isle of Man. It elects 2 MHKs.-MHKs & Elections:-External links:*...

 constituency in the 2011 general election
General election
In a parliamentary political system, a general election is an election in which all or most members of a given political body are chosen. The term is usually used to refer to elections held for a nation's primary legislative body, as distinguished from by-elections and local elections.The term...

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