River Garry
The River Garry in Invernessshire is 3.5 miles long, and runs into Loch Oich
Loch Oich
Loch Oich is a freshwater loch in the Highlands of Scotland which forms part of the Caledonian Canal, of which it is the highest point. This narrow loch lies between Loch Ness and Loch Lochy in the Great Glen...

 just east of the village of Invergarry
Invergarry is a village in the Highlands of Scotland. It is in the Great Glen, near where the River Garry flows into Loch Oich.Near the centre of the village is the junction between the A82 road and the A87 road which branches off to the west towards Skye.The ruined Invergarry Castle is situated...

, through which it runs. It is the homeland of the MacDonell branch of Clan MacDonald and is the near the site of the 17th century Invergarry Castle
Invergarry Castle
Invergarry Castle in the Scottish Highlands was the seat of the Chiefs of the Clan MacDonnell of Glengarry, a powerful branch of the Clan Donald....

. The village and the river can be seen in detail from the air at www.myglengarry.com
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