Rob Bowman
Rob Stanton Bowman is an American film director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 and producer
Film producer
A film producer oversees and delivers a film project to all relevant parties while preserving the integrity, voice and vision of the film. They will also often take on some financial risk by using their own money, especially during the pre-production period, before a film is fully financed.The...

, perhaps most notable for his work on science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 series, such as The X-Files
The X-Files
The X-Files is an American science fiction television series and a part of The X-Files franchise, created by screenwriter Chris Carter. The program originally aired from to . The show was a hit for the Fox network, and its characters and slogans became popular culture touchstones in the 1990s...

and Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...

. He is an executive producer and director for the comedy-drama
Comedy-drama is a genre of theatre, film and television programs which combines humorous and serious content.-Theatre:Traditional western theatre, beginning with the ancient Greeks, was divided into comedy and tragedy...

Castle (TV series)
Castle is an American comedy-drama television series, which premiered on ABC on March 9, 2009. The series is produced by Beacon Pictures and ABC Studios. On January 10, 2011, Castle was renewed for a fourth season...


Early career

Bowman started directing for television while doing second unit work for Stephen Cannell Productions in 1982. His first feature film was Airborne, a coming-of-age
Coming-of-age film
Coming-of-age film is a film genre which focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood. Personal growth and change is an important characteristic of this genre, which relies on dialogue and emotional responses, rather than action. The main character is...

 story involving teenage rollerbladers.


Bowman's signature visual style involves lighting contrasts within a scene, including framing actors as silhouettes.


  • Castle
    Castle (TV series)
    Castle is an American comedy-drama television series, which premiered on ABC on March 9, 2009. The series is produced by Beacon Pictures and ABC Studios. On January 10, 2011, Castle was renewed for a fourth season...

  • Nightmares and Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King (2006) (episode: "Umney's Last Case")
  • Elektra
    Elektra (2005 film)
    Elektra is a 2005 superhero film directed by Rob Bowman. It is a spin-off from the 2003 film Daredevil, starring the Marvel comics character Elektra Natchios . The story follows Elektra, an international assassin whose weapon of choice is a pair of sai.For the screenplay, Zak Penn, Stuart Zicherman...

  • Reign of Fire (2002)
  • The Lone Gunmen
    The Lone Gunmen (TV series)
    The Lone Gunmen is a television show created by Chris Carter and broadcast on FOX. It was a spin-off of Carter's popular long-running television series The X-Files and a part of The X-Files franchise, starring several of the show's characters. The Lone Gunmen was first broadcast in March 2001 and,...

    (2001) (pilot)
  • The X-Files (film)
    The X-Files (film)
    The X-Files is a 1998 American science fiction-thriller film written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz, and directed by Rob Bowman. It is the first feature film based on The X-Files series created by Carter that revolves around a fictional FBI paranormal investigation unit called the X-Files...

  • The X-Files: The Unopened File (1996) (episode "Paper Clip")
  • VR.5
    VR.5 was an American television program. It was broadcast on the Fox network from March 10 to May 12, 1995. Of the 13 episodes that were produced, only 10 aired during its original run.-Premise:...

  • M.A.N.T.I.S.
    M.A.N.T.I.S. is an American Science fiction television series that aired for one season on the Fox Network between August 1994 and March 1995. The original two-hour pilot was produced by Sam Raimi and developed by Sam Hamm. It stars actor Carl Lumbly. The show is unique in that it depicts an...

  • Traps (1994)
  • Airborne (1993)
  • The X-Files
    The X-Files
    The X-Files is an American science fiction television series and a part of The X-Files franchise, created by screenwriter Chris Carter. The program originally aired from to . The show was a hit for the Fox network, and its characters and slogans became popular culture touchstones in the 1990s...

    (1993) (episode 1.14 "Genderbender") (episode 2.04 "Sleepless") (episode 2.12 "Aubrey") (episode 2.15 "Fresh Bones") (episode 2.17 "End Game") (episode 2.19 "Død Kälm") (episode 2.22 "F. Emasculata") (episode 2.24 "Our Town") (episode 3.02 "Paper Clip") (episode 3.07 "Walk, The") (episode 3.10 "731") (episode 3.13 "Syzygy") (episode 3.15 "Piper Maru") (episode 3.17 "Pusher") (episode 3.20 "José Chung's 'From Outer Space'") (episode 3.23 "Wetwired") (episode 4.04 "Unruhe") (episode 4.05 "Field Where I Died, The") (episode 4.09 "Terma") (episode 4.10 "Paper Hearts") (episode 4.13 "Never Again") (episode 4.14 "Memento Mori") (episode 4.17 "Tempus Fugit") (episode 5.11 "Kill Switch") (episode 5.18 "Pine Bluff Variant, The") (episode 6.02 "Drive") (episode 6.07 "Terms of Endearment") (episode 6.12 "One Son") (episode 6.13 "Agua Mala") (episode 6.17 "Trevor") (episode 6.22 "Biogenesis") (episode 7.07 "Orison") (episode 7.15 "En Ami")
  • The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. (1993) (one episode)
  • The Hat Squad
    The Hat Squad
    The Hat Squad is a crime drama television series that ran for only one season on CBS, during the 1992-1993 season. 13 episodes were made, but only 11 of them aired.-Synopsis:...

  • Dark Shadows
    Dark Shadows
    Dark Shadows is a gothic soap opera that originally aired weekdays on the ABC television network, from June 27, 1966 to April 2, 1971. The show was created by Dan Curtis. The story bible, which was written by Art Wallace, does not mention any supernatural elements...

  • DEA (1990)
  • Parker Lewis Can't Lose
    Parker Lewis Can't Lose
    Parker Lewis Can't Lose is an American teen sitcom that originally aired on FOX from September 1990 to June 1993. During the last season, the series sported the simpler title Parker Lewis. The series was produced by Columbia Pictures Television and was strongly influenced by the feature film Ferris...

    (1990) (episode 2.01 "Father Knows Less") (episode 2.03 "Full Mental Jacket") (episode 2.11 "Love Handles") (episode 2.12 "Boy Meets Girl") (episode 2.20 "Dance of Romance") (episode 2.21 "When Jerry Met Shelly") (episode 2.25 "Dinner '75") (episode 3.02 "Cape Flamingo") (episode 3.04 "Summer of '92") (episode 3.06 "Jerry's Journey") (episode 3.12 "An Unmarried Musso") (episode 3.18 "Night to Remember, A")
  • Mancuso, FBI (1989)
  • Booker
    Booker (TV series)
    Booker is an American crime drama series starring Richard Grieco that aired on the Fox Network from September 24, 1989 to May 6, 1990. The series was a spin-off of 21 Jump Street...

  • Baywatch
    Baywatch is an American action drama series about the Los Angeles County Lifeguards who patrol the beaches of Los Angeles County, California, starring David Hasselhoff. The show ran in its original title and format from 1989 to 1999, sans the 1990-1991 season, of which it was not in production...

    (1989) (episode "The Reunion")
  • Hardball
    Hardball (1989 TV series)
    Hardball is an American crime drama television series that ran on NBC during the 1989-1990 television schedule.-Synopsis:Hardball is a variation of the buddy cop genre that focused on two cops, Charlie "C.B." Battles and Joe "Kaz" Kaczierowski . Battles is a 45-year-old hard-nosed veteran cop who...

  • Alien Nation
    Alien Nation (TV series)
    Alien Nation is a science fiction television series, loosely based on the movie of the same name. Gary Graham starred as Detective Matthew Sikes, a Los Angeles police officer reluctantly working with "Newcomer" alien George Francisco , played by Eric Pierpoint...

  • Quantum Leap (1989)
  • Midnight Caller
    Midnight Caller
    Midnight Caller is a dramatic NBC television series created by Richard DiLello, which ran from 1988 to 1991. It was one of the first television series to address the dramatic possibilities of the then-growing phenomenon of talk radio...

    (1988) (episode "Sale Away (Part 2)")
  • Probe
    Probe (TV series)
    Not to be confused with Probe Probe is a 1988 American television pilot and subsequent TV series, created by television mystery writer William Link and noted science fiction author Isaac Asimov. It aired on ABC. Michael B. Wagner, a veteran television writer, wrote the two-hour pilot, and became...

    (1988) (episode "Metamorphic Anthropoidic Prototype Over You")
  • The Highwayman
    The Highwayman (TV series)
    The Highwayman is an action-adventure themed television series starring Sam J. Jones, set in "the near future." It was created by Glen A. Larson and Douglas Heyes. The pilot aired in September 1987, and was followed by a short-lived series of nine episodes, with significant changes to the cast and...

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
    Star Trek: The Next Generation
    Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...

  • Werewolf
    Werewolf (TV series)
    Werewolf is an American horror series, and one of the original shows in the Fox network's broadcast line-up during its inaugural season of 1987–1988.The show follows the adventures of Eric Cord Werewolf is an American horror series, and one of the original shows in the Fox network's broadcast...

  • 21 Jump Street
    21 Jump Street
    21 Jump Street is an American police procedural crime drama television series that aired on the Fox Network from April 12, 1987, to April 27, 1991, with a total of 103 episodes. The series focused on a squad of youthful-looking undercover police officers investigating crimes in high schools,...

  • Stingray
    The stingrays are a group of rays, which are cartilaginous fishes related to sharks. They are classified in the suborder Myliobatoidei of the order Myliobatiformes, and consist of eight families: Hexatrygonidae , Plesiobatidae , Urolophidae , Urotrygonidae , Dasyatidae , Potamotrygonidae The...

    (1986) (episodes 1.06 "Orange Blossom" 4/29/1986, 2.6 "The First Time Is Forever" 2/20/1987 and 2.14 "Caper" 5/1/1987)
  • MacGyver
    MacGyver is an American action-adventure television series created by Lee David Zlotoff. Henry Winkler and John Rich were the executive producers. The show ran for seven seasons on ABC in the United States and various other networks abroad from 1985 to 1992. The series was filmed in Los Angeles...

    (1985) (episode "Ma Dalton")


  • Castle (2009) TV Series (executive producer)
  • The Lone Gunmen (2001) TV Series (co-executive producer) (pilot episode)
  • The X-Files: The Unopened File (1996) (producer)
  • The X Files (1993) (producer) (episode "2Shy") (episode "731") (episode "Agua Mala") (episode "All Souls") (episode "Alpha") (episode "Anasazi") (episode "Arcadia") (episode "Bad Blood") (episode "The Beginning") (episode "Biogenesis") (episode "The Blessing Way") (episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Response") (episode "Colony") (episode "D.P.O.") (episode "Die Hand Die Verletzt") (episode "Dod Kalm") (episode "Dreamland II") (episode "Dreamland") (episode "Drive") (episode "El Mundo Gira") (episode "En Ami") (episode "End Game") (episode "The End") (episode "F. Emasculata") (episode "Fearful Symmetry") (episode "Field Trip") (episode "The Field Where I Died") (episode "Fresh Bones") (episode "Grotesque") (episode "Hell Money") (episode "Herrenvolk") (episode "Home") (episode "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas") (episode "José Chung's 'From Outer Space") (episode "Kaddish") (episode "Kill Switch") (episode "Leonard Betts") (episode "The List") (episode "Memento Mori") (episode "Milagro") (episode "Monday") (episode "Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man") (episode "Never Again") (episode "Nisei") (episode "One Son") (episode "Orison") (episode "Oubliette") (episode "Our Town") (episode "Paper Clip") (episode "Paper Hearts") (episode "Patient X") (episode "Quagmire") (episode "The Rain King") (episode "The Red and the Black") (episode "Revelations") (episode "S.R. 819") (episode "Sanguinarium") (episode "Synchrony") (episode "Syzygy") (episode "Talitha Cumi") (episode "Tempus Fugit") (episode "Teso Dos Bichos") (episode "Three of a Kind") (episode "Tithonus") (episode "Trevor") (episode "Triangle") (episode "Tunguska") (episode "Two Fathers") (episode "The Walk") (episode "Wetwired")
  • Stingray
    The stingrays are a group of rays, which are cartilaginous fishes related to sharks. They are classified in the suborder Myliobatoidei of the order Myliobatiformes, and consist of eight families: Hexatrygonidae , Plesiobatidae , Urolophidae , Urotrygonidae , Dasyatidae , Potamotrygonidae The...

    (1985) (associate producer)
  • The A-Team
    The A-Team
    The A-Team is an American action adventure television series about a fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel who work as soldiers of fortune, while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn't commit". The A-Team was created by...

    (1983) (associate producer)
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