Romulus Bărbulescu
Romulus Bărbulescu was a Romanian science-fiction writer
A writer is a person who produces literature, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, or other literary art. Skilled writers are able to use language to portray ideas and images....


In 1963, Romulus Barbulescu published "Constellations from the Waters," the first of 10 science fiction novels that established him and his co-author, George Anania
George Anania
George Anania is a Romanian science-fiction writer and translator.- Novels:* Corsarul de fier * Test de fiabilitate , Editura Albatros* O experiență neobișnuită , Editura Ion Creangă...

, as pioneers of the genre in Romania. They drew their inspiration from Russian writers like Ivan Efremov or Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
The brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky are Soviet Jewish-Russian science fiction authors who collaborated on their fiction.-Life and work:...

, or the Polish author Stanislaw Lem
Stanislaw Lem
Stanisław Lem was a Polish writer of science fiction, philosophy and satire. He was named a Knight of the Order of the White Eagle. His books have been translated into 41 languages and have sold over 27 million copies. He is perhaps best known as the author of the 1961 novel Solaris, which has...

. In a comunism world where criticizing current society was forbidden, alternative reality was good metaphor, and even better, safe.
In the 1980s, the government of Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu
Nicolae Ceausescu
Nicolae Ceaușescu was a Romanian Communist politician. He was General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party from 1965 to 1989, and as such was the country's second and last Communist leader...

 took control of Anania and Barbulescu's fan clubs to monitor discussions on utopian societies and social justice.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Romulus Barbulescu and George Anania competed for attention as books from Western science fiction writers like Robert Sheckley
Robert Sheckley
Robert Sheckley was a Hugo- and Nebula-nominated American author. First published in the science fiction magazines of the 1950s, his numerous quick-witted stories and novels were famously unpredictable, absurdist and broadly comical.Sheckley was named Author Emeritus by the Science Fiction and...

, Harry Harrison
Harry Harrison
Harry Harrison is an American science fiction author best known for his character the Stainless Steel Rat and the novel Make Room! Make Room! , the basis for the film Soylent Green...

 and Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick
Philip Kindred Dick was an American novelist, short story writer and essayist whose published work is almost entirely in the science fiction genre. Dick explored sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments and altered...

 flooded the East European market.

Published books

  • 1983 Catharsis, editura Albatros, Bucharest
    Bucharest is the capital municipality, cultural, industrial, and financial centre of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania, located in the southeast of the country, at , and lies on the banks of the Dâmbovița River....

  • 1991 Încotro curge liniștea?, editura Ion Creangă
    Editura Ion Creangă
    Editura Ion Creangă was a publishing house based in Bucharest, Romania. Founded as a state-run company under communist rule and named after the 19th century writer Ion Creangă, it ranked high among Romanian publishers of children's literature, fantasy literature and science fiction...

    , Bucharest
  • 1993 Golful ucigașilor, editura Porto-Franco, Galați
    Galați is a city and municipality in Romania, the capital of Galați County. Located in the historical region of Moldavia, in the close vicinity of Brăila, Galați is the largest port and sea port on the Danube River and the second largest Romanian port....

With George Anania

  • Constelația din ape (1962), Colecția "Povestiri științifico-fantastice"
    Colecţia de Povestiri Ştiinţifico-Fantastice
    Colecția de Povestiri Ştiinţifico-Fantastice is a Romanian science fiction supplement, founded by writer Adrian Rogoz and published by the popular science weekly Ştiinţă şi Tehnică. It was one of the leading venues for the Romanian science fiction genre under the communist regime...

    nr. 174-179 (en. Constellations from the Waters)
  • Statuia șarpelui (1967), Editura Tineretului
  • Doando (1969) - Editura Tineretului
  • Planeta umbrelelor albastre (1969), Colecția "Povestiri științifico-fantastice"
    Colecţia de Povestiri Ştiinţifico-Fantastice
    Colecția de Povestiri Ştiinţifico-Fantastice is a Romanian science fiction supplement, founded by writer Adrian Rogoz and published by the popular science weekly Ştiinţă şi Tehnică. It was one of the leading venues for the Romanian science fiction genre under the communist regime...

    nr. 356-359
  • Ferma oamenilor de piatră (1970), Editura Tineretului (en. The Stone Men Farm)
  • Paralela-enigmă (1973), Editura Tineretului
  • Șarpele blând al infinitului (1977)
  • Cât de mic poate fi infernul? (1993), Editura Odeon

External links

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