Roni De Luz
Roni DeLuz, RN, ND, a naturopathic doctor and registered nurse
Registered nurse
A registered nurse is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program at a university or college and has passed a national licensing exam. A registered nurse helps individuals, families, and groups to achieve health and prevent disease...

, is the co-creator of the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox and founder and director of Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. DeLuz is best known for writing the book 21 Pounds in 21 Days, which rose to #3 on the New York Times Best Seller list
New York Times Best Seller list
The New York Times Best Seller list is widely considered the preeminent list of best-selling books in the United States. It is published weekly in The New York Times Book Review magazine, which is published in the Sunday edition of The New York Times and as a stand-alone publication...

 and has appeared on ABC's The View and CBS Sunday Morning.

In 1997, DeLuz founded and opened the Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat offering retreat packages for individuals and groups to experience a peaceful holistic environment that addresses body/mind programs and natural healing.

In 1980, DeLuz founded Singh Care Homes in California, a provider of long term care facilities for children and adults. She continues to act as its Executive Director, setting up special therapeutic programs for debilitated children and adults.
Previously, DeLuz worked five years at Yale-New Haven Hospital
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Yale-New Haven Hospital , Connecticut's largest hospital with 966 beds, is located in New Haven, Connecticut.The hospital is owned and operated by the Yale New Haven Health System, Inc...

, specializing in rare syndromes and one-and-a-half years as Director of Nursing
Director of nursing
A director of nursing is a registered nurse who supervises the care of all the patients at a health care facility. The director of nursing has special training beyond that of any clinical nurse for the position that pertains to health care management, and in some places, a director of nursing must...

 at St. Regis Health Center, both in New Haven, Connecticut
New Haven, Connecticut
New Haven is the second-largest city in Connecticut and the sixth-largest in New England. According to the 2010 Census, New Haven's population increased by 5.0% between 2000 and 2010, a rate higher than that of the State of Connecticut, and higher than that of the state's five largest cities, and...


DeLuz received a bachelor of science in nursing from the Fairfield University
Fairfield University
Fairfield University is a private, co-educational undergraduate and master's level teaching-oriented university located in Fairfield, Connecticut, in the New England region of the United States. It was founded by the Society of Jesus in 1942, and today is one of 28 member institutions of the...

 School of Nursing
Fairfield University School of Nursing
The Fairfield University School of Nursing is a graduate and undergraduate nursing school and one of the professional schools of Fairfield University located in Fairfield, Connecticut...

 and doctorate in natural health from the Clayton College of Natural Health.

External links

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