series and manga
adaptation created by Hajime Yatate
. The anime was produced and animated by Sunrise
, and aired across Japan on Nagoya Television from April 30, 1988 to March 4, 1989 and has a total of 39 episodes.
Ronin Warriors was produced by Graz Entertainment and distributed by Cinar, and it was recorded by the Ocean Group.
So, Sekhmet, your power isn't just overwhelming body odor, but sleight of hand, too!
Yuck, Talpa has bad taste. Needs color.
If you want this armor so bad, you'll have to pay the price! Try it on first, if it fits, it's yours!
Ah, excuse me, but we do know how to fight, and we don't need you to tell us what to do.
Ugh, man, I can barely move. Rowen, you didn't happen to get that license plate number of the truck that hit me, didja?
[to Cale] Your mother wears army boots!
That does it, I don't wanna end up like sliced salami!
Hey, whoa, wait a minute Kento! What you talkin' about?
They're juiced!
Now I'm jammin'!