Rose Strunsky Lorwin
Rose Strunsky Lorwin, born Rose Strunsky (1884, Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...

 – 1963, New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

) was a Russian-American translator and socialist.

Strunsky's family emigrated to the United States, first to New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

 and then to San Francisco, where she attended Stanford University
Stanford University
The Leland Stanford Junior University, commonly referred to as Stanford University or Stanford, is a private research university on an campus located near Palo Alto, California. It is situated in the northwestern Santa Clara Valley on the San Francisco Peninsula, approximately northwest of San...

. Along with her older sister, Anna Strunsky
Anna Strunsky
Anna Strunsky Walling was an early 20th Century American author and proponent of socialism. Her work focused on social problems, literature, and the labor movement....

, she was active in socialist politics and San Francisco's literary scene. The sisters travelled in Russia in 1905, and lived in Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village, , , , .in New York often simply called "the Village", is a largely residential neighborhood on the west side of Lower Manhattan in New York City. A large majority of the district is home to upper middle class families...

 in New York in the 1910s. Rose Strunsky married Lewis Lorwin in 1920. Throughout her life she worked as a translator. Her translations include Gorky
Maxim Gorky
Alexei Maximovich Peshkov , primarily known as Maxim Gorky , was a Russian and Soviet author, a founder of the Socialist Realism literary method and a political activist.-Early years:...

's The Confession, the journal of Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short stories. Later in life, he also wrote plays and essays. His two most famous works, the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time and a pinnacle of realist...

 and Trotsky
Leon Trotsky
Leon Trotsky , born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and theorist, Soviet politician, and the founder and first leader of the Red Army....

's Literature and Revolution
Literature and Revolution
Literature and Revolution is a classic work of literary criticism from the Marxist standpoint written by Leon Trotsky in 1924. By discussing the various literary trends that were around in Russia between the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 Trotsky analysed the concrete forces in society, both...

. Rose Strunsky Lorwin died in New York in 1963.

She was the mother of Val R. Lorwin
Val R. Lorwin
Val R. Lorwin was an American civil servant, economist, and historian.-Early years:Lorwin was born in New York City, the son of Lewis Lorwin, a noted labor economist and Rose Strunsky Lorwin, socialist and translator. He graduated from Cornell University and received a master's degree from Ohio...

and psychology professor Rosalind Lorwin.


  • Abraham Lincoln, 1914
  • (transl.) Maxim Gorky, The confession, 1916
  • (transl,) The journal of Leo Tolstoi, Knopf, 1917
  • (transl.) Leon Trotsky, Literature and Revolution, International Publishers, 1925

External links

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