Roy H. Williams
Roy Hollister Williams is a best selling author and marketing consultant best known for his Wizard of Ads trilogy. He is founder of the Wizard Academy institute and currently lives in Austin, Texas
Austin is the capital of the U.S. state of Texas.Austin may also refer to:-In the United States:*Austin, Arkansas*Austin, Colorado*Austin, Chicago, Illinois*Austin, Indiana*Austin, Minnesota*Austin, Nevada*Austin, Oregon...

 with his wife Pennie.

Williams was born March 29th 1958 in Dallas, Texas. Williams grew up in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma where he met his future wife Pennie while in high school. Williams attended Oklahoma State University before dropping out after day two and is known for saying "I didn't really pay that close attention on the second day."

Williams produces and publishes a free weekly column and podcast titled the Monday Morning Memo.
Williams also hosts a live webcast on the second Monday of each month called "Wizard of Ads LIVE".

Best Sellers Lists

All three books included in William's Wizard of Ads Trilogy including: The Wizard of Ads, Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads, Magical Worlds of the Wizard of Ads, have been featured on the Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestsellers lists.

Wizard Academy

Williams founded Wizard Academy in May 2000 as a non-profit 501c3 educational institution located in Austin, Texas
Austin is the capital of the U.S. state of Texas.Austin may also refer to:-In the United States:*Austin, Arkansas*Austin, Colorado*Austin, Chicago, Illinois*Austin, Indiana*Austin, Minnesota*Austin, Nevada*Austin, Oregon...

. The institutions goal was to provide in-depth teaching of the communication arts and the principals and philosophy espoused in Williams Wizard of Ads trilogy. The Academy was the brainchild of his wife, Pennie Williams, as a way to get her husband off the road. "Instead of sending him to them for a few hours, why not let them all come to Austin for a few days?"


During a brainstorming session at Wizard Academy, Williams came up with the idea for the Inc. is a Canadian private sale real estate, or FSBO, marketing company based in Moncton, New Brunswick. With 123 franchise locations across Canada and more than 10,000 active listings on its site, it is the largest private home sale network in North America...

unique round real estate sign.

External links

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