Russian thistle
Russian thistle is a common name
Common name
A common name of a taxon or organism is a name in general use within a community; it is often contrasted with the scientific name for the same organism...

 that can refer to:
  • Echinops exaltatus
    Echinops exaltatus
    Echinops exaltatus or Russian Globe Thistle is a species of globe thistle. It has escaped cultivation in eastern Canada and in Washington state, USA. It is the largest of all Globe Thistles....

    , Russian globe thistle
  • Salsola
    Salsola is a genus of the subfamily Salsoloideae in the family Amaranthaceae. A common name of various members of this genus is saltwort, for its salt tolerance.-Description:...

    , some species, including:
  • Salsola kali
    Salsola kali
    Kali soda is an annual plant that grows in arid soils and in sandy coastal soils. Its original range is Eurasian, but it has become naturalized, and even invasive, in North America, Australia, and elsewhere...

    , also known as prickly saltwort
  • Salsola soda
    Salsola soda
    Salsola soda, more commonly known in English as Opposite Leaved Saltwort, Oppositeleaf Russian Thistle, or Barilla Plant, is a small , annual, succulent shrub that is native to the Mediterranean Basin...

    , oppositeleaf Russian thistle
  • Salsola tragus
    Salsola tragus
    Kali tragus is a species of flowering plant in the amaranth family known by the common name prickly Russian thistle, or simply Russian thistle. It is perhaps the most common species of tumbleweed, and may be known by this general name...

    , prickly Russian thistle

Eaten by livestock and people during the Great Depression of the United States
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