The Sample and Data Relationship Format (SDRF) is part of the MAGE-TAB
MicroArray and Gene Expression
The MicroArray and Gene Expression group is a project of the FGED Society to develop a standard for the representation of gene expression data from microarrays to facilitate the exchange of information between different data systems...

 standard for communicating the results
of microarray
A microarray is a multiplex lab-on-a-chip. It is a 2D array on a solid substrate that assays large amounts of biological material using high-throughput screening methods.Types of microarrays include:...

 investigations, including all information required for MIAME
MIAME is a standard created by the FGED Society for reporting microarray experiments. It is intended to specify all the information necessary to interpret the results of the experiment unambiguously and to potentially reproduce the experiment...


An SDRF file is a tab-delimited file describing the relationships between samples, arrays, data, and other objects used or produced in a microarray investigation.

For simple experimental designs, constructing the SDRF file is straightforward, and even complex loop designs can be expressed in this format.

External reference

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