SIG GL 5040
The SIG GL 5040/5140 is a 40 mm grenade launcher
Grenade launcher
A grenade launcher or grenade discharger is a weapon that launches a grenade with more accuracy, higher velocity, and to greater distances than a soldier could throw it by hand....

, which can be mounted under all SIG SG 550/551
SIG SG 550
The SG 550 is an assault rifle manufactured by Swiss Arms AG of Neuhausen, Switzerland...

 assault rifle
Assault rifle
An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. Assault rifles are the standard infantry weapons in most modern armies...

 models and is operated in single-shot mode.


: The Swiss military in-service designation for the GL 5040 is 40 mm Gewehraufsatz 97.

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