STANAG 6022 - Adoption of a Standard Gridded Data Meteorological Message is a NATO Standardization Agreement
for gridded meteorological
data for operational use in Artillery
fire control systems, NBC
Automated Warning, Reporting and Prediction Systems (NBC AWRAPS), and
various computer-based Battlefield (or Tactical) Decision Aids (BDAs).
The format will allow gridded meteorological data to be generated for a grid of
any defined size and resolution and containing only those parameters specifically
requested by users. Thus, it can be used to pass data sets varying from coarse
resolution, single-parameter data through to very high resolution, multi-parameter
data depending upon specific data requirements and communications capabilities.
The format may also be used to pass observed data from the field back to
meteorological centres or higher HQ.
The aim of this agreement is to define a meteorological message for gridded
meteorological data, and to standardise the number of information digits and their
meanings, for use by the Armed Forces of any country.
The custodian of this STANAG is Land Capability Group 3 - Sub Group 2 within the NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG). The most recent promulgated copy is Edition 2, dated 22 March 2010. Implementation of the STANAG is often accomplished by adoption of components of the SG2 Shareable (Fire Control) Software Suite (S4)
For a description of how STANAG 6022 relates to other STANAGs in the areas of ballistics and meteorology please see the following preview (also shown in slide 4 of the following presentation)
STANAG is the NATO abbreviation for Standardization Agreement, which sets up processes, procedures, terms, and conditions for common military or technical procedures or equipment between the member countries of the alliance. Each NATO state ratifies a STANAG and implements it within their own...
for gridded meteorological
data for operational use in Artillery
Originally applied to any group of infantry primarily armed with projectile weapons, artillery has over time become limited in meaning to refer only to those engines of war that operate by projection of munitions far beyond the range of effect of personal weapons...
fire control systems, NBC
Automated Warning, Reporting and Prediction Systems (NBC AWRAPS), and
various computer-based Battlefield (or Tactical) Decision Aids (BDAs).
The format will allow gridded meteorological data to be generated for a grid of
any defined size and resolution and containing only those parameters specifically
requested by users. Thus, it can be used to pass data sets varying from coarse
resolution, single-parameter data through to very high resolution, multi-parameter
data depending upon specific data requirements and communications capabilities.
The format may also be used to pass observed data from the field back to
meteorological centres or higher HQ.
The aim of this agreement is to define a meteorological message for gridded
meteorological data, and to standardise the number of information digits and their
meanings, for use by the Armed Forces of any country.
The custodian of this STANAG is Land Capability Group 3 - Sub Group 2 within the NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG). The most recent promulgated copy is Edition 2, dated 22 March 2010. Implementation of the STANAG is often accomplished by adoption of components of the SG2 Shareable (Fire Control) Software Suite (S4)
SG2 Shareable (Fire Control) Software Suite (S4)
The NATO Army Armaments Group Land Group 4 and their Sub Group 2 on Surface to Surface Ballistics has created a widely used set of shareable fire control software using the Ada programming language...
For a description of how STANAG 6022 relates to other STANAGs in the areas of ballistics and meteorology please see the following preview (also shown in slide 4 of the following presentation)