Sachiko Chijimatsu
is a female Japanese voice actres
represented by Arts Vision
She is most known for the roles of Pyonkichi (Dokonjō Gaeru
), Nobita's Mama (Doraemon
), Kabu (Sally, the Witch
1966), Shippona (Himitsu no Akko-chan
1969), and 001/Ivan Whiskey (Cyborg 009
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
represented by Arts Vision
Arts Vision
Arts Vision Incorporated is a Japanese talent agency that employs a large number of high-profile voice actors...
She is most known for the roles of Pyonkichi (Dokonjō Gaeru
Dokonjo Gaeru
' is a manga and anime series created by Yasumi Yoshizawa.-Summary:While frog Pyonkichi is hopping in an empty lot in Nerima, Tokyo's Shakujii Park, middle schooler Hiroshi trips over a rock and squashes him. However, Pyonkichi is reborn as an imprint on the front of Hiroshi's shirt and now gives...
), Nobita's Mama (Doraemon
is a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise...
), Kabu (Sally, the Witch
Sally, the Witch
, is the first magical girl genre anime in Japan. This may be the first shōjo anime as well. The first magical girl manga was Himitsu no Akko-chan but it took longer to be adapted into an anime. Both series deal with henshin style transformations , but neither is the first anime to feature this...
1966), Shippona (Himitsu no Akko-chan
Himitsu no Akko-chan
is a pioneering magical girl manga and anime that ran in Japan during the 1960s.The manga was drawn and written by Fujio Akatsuka, and was published in Ribon from 1962 to 1965. It predates the Mahōtsukai Sunny manga, printed in 1966...
1969), and 001/Ivan Whiskey (Cyborg 009
Cyborg 009
is a manga created by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was serialized in many different magazines, including Monthly Shōnen King, Weekly Shōnen Magazine, Shōnen Big Comic, COM, Shōjo Comic, Weekly Shōnen Sunday, Monthly Shōnen Jump and Monthly Comic Nora in Japan...
Notable voice work
- Space Battleship YamatoSpace Battleship Yamatois a Japanese science fiction anime series featuring an eponymous spacecraft. It is also known to English-speaking audiences as Space Cruiser Yamato; an English-dubbed and heavily edited version of the series was broadcast on North American and Australian television as Star Blazers...
(Shima's mother, Tokugawa's wife) - Umi no Triton (Moya)
- Gatchaman (Yamori)
- Saban's Adventures of Pinocchio (Boy)
- CalimeroCalimerois an Italian/Japanese cartoon about a charming, but hapless anthropomorphized cartoon chicken; the only black one in a family of yellow chickens. He wears half of his egg shell still on his head...
(Deppa) - Candy CandyCandy Candyis a Japanese novel, manga, and anime series. The main character, Candice "Candy" White Ardlay is a blonde American girl with freckles, large emerald green eyes and long, curly hair, worn in pigtails with bows. Candy Candy first appeared in a prose novel by famed Japanese writer Kyoko Mizuki in...
(Jimmy) - Cutey Honey (Twin Panther 1)
- Ginga Hyōryū VifamGinga Hyoryu Vifamis an anime television series created by Sunrise in 1983.-Production:Galactic Drifter Vifam premiered in Japan on Japan News Network's TV stations between October 21, 1983 and September 8, 1984. The series was conceived by Yoshiyuki Tomino and directed by Takeyuki Kanda...
(Jimmy) - Great MazingerGreat Mazingeris a manga comic book and anime television series by manga artist Go Nagai, made as a direct continuation of the successful Mazinger Z series...
(Haruna Shiratori) - Gowappā 5 GodamGowappa 5 Godamis an anime series aired in 1976. There were 36 episodes. It is also referred to as Gowapper 5 Gundam, Godam, Go Wapper 5 Go Dam, Gowappa 5 Gordam.The series has also been aired on Italian television under the title Godam.-Outline:...
(Norisuke Kawaguchi) - Cyborg 009Cyborg 009is a manga created by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was serialized in many different magazines, including Monthly Shōnen King, Weekly Shōnen Magazine, Shōnen Big Comic, COM, Shōjo Comic, Weekly Shōnen Sunday, Monthly Shōnen Jump and Monthly Comic Nora in Japan...
1979 (001/Ivan Whiskey) - Sarutobi EcchanSarutobi Ecchanis a magical girl manga series by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was originally named , but was changed in 1971 when Toei Animation adapted it into an anime called Sarutobi Ecchan. The anime was unsuccessful, and only lasted 26 episodes...
(Miko) - Soreike! AnpanmanAnpanmanis one of the most popular anime cartoon series for young children in Japan. , the titular Anpanman is the most popular fictional character among people age 0 to 12 years in Japan in 10 consective years, according to research by Bandai. The series is written by Takashi Yanase, a Japanese writer of...
(Mochi Oba-san (1st voice)) - Tiger MaskTiger Maskis a Japanese manga series written by Ikki Kajiwara and illustrated by Naoki Tsuji. The series was first published in Kodansha's Bokura Magazine from 1968 to 1969 and was later published in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 1970 to 1971...
(Chappy) - Time BokanTime Bokanis a Japanese anime series first aired on Fuji TV from October 4, 1975 to December 25, 1976 throughout Japan every Saturday at 6:30pm, with a total of 61 30-minute episodes. It was produced by Tatsunoko Productions, who later produced a number of spinoff programs as part of the "Time Bokan...
Series- Time BokanTime Bokanis a Japanese anime series first aired on Fuji TV from October 4, 1975 to December 25, 1976 throughout Japan every Saturday at 6:30pm, with a total of 61 30-minute episodes. It was produced by Tatsunoko Productions, who later produced a number of spinoff programs as part of the "Time Bokan...
(Prince) - YattermanYattermanis a Japanese anime television series broadcast from January 1, 1977 to January 27, 1979, comprising 108 episodes. It is the second and longest show in the Time Bokan series by Tatsunoko Productions...
- Time Bokan
- Combattler VCombattler Vis the first part of the Robot Romance Trilogy of Super Robot series created by "Saburo Yatsude" and directed by Tadao Nagahama. The robot's name is a portmanteau of Combine, Combat and Battle, and the V is intended both as an abbreviation for "victory" and in reference to the five component...
(Kosuke Kita) - Astro Boy 1980 (Naoto)
- The Littl' BitsThe Littl' Bitsis a Japanese anime television series with 26 episodes, produced in 1980 by Tatsunoko Productions inJapan. First shown on TV Tokyo , its Saban-produced English translation was featured on the children's television station Nick Jr...
(Napoleon aka "Snagglebit") - DoraemonDoraemonis a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise...
(Tamako Nobi (1st voice)) - Himitsu no Akko-chanHimitsu no Akko-chanis a pioneering magical girl manga and anime that ran in Japan during the 1960s.The manga was drawn and written by Fujio Akatsuka, and was published in Ribon from 1962 to 1965. It predates the Mahōtsukai Sunny manga, printed in 1966...
1969 (Shippona) - Majokko Megu-chanMajokko Megu-chanis a magical girl anime series. The manga was created by Tomo Inoue and Akio Narita, while the 72-episode anime series was produced by Toei Animation between 1974 and 1975. This series is considered an important forerunner of the present day magical girl genre, as the series' characterization and...
(Apo Kanzaki) - Ohayō! SpankOhayo! Spankis a Japanese shōjo manga written by Shun'ichi Yukimuro and drawn by Shizue Takanashi. The series has been adapted as an anime television series, broadcast in Japan from 1981 to 1982, and a theatrical movie released in 1982...
and Spank's other series (Baron) - Sally, the WitchSally, the Witch, is the first magical girl genre anime in Japan. This may be the first shōjo anime as well. The first magical girl manga was Himitsu no Akko-chan but it took longer to be adapted into an anime. Both series deal with henshin style transformations , but neither is the first anime to feature this...
1966 (Kabu) - Moomin (Menmen-kun)
External links
- Sachiko Chijimatsu at Arts VisionArts VisionArts Vision Incorporated is a Japanese talent agency that employs a large number of high-profile voice actors...