Saeko Chiba
is a prolific Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

ese seiyū
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...

 and singer, born on August 26, 1977 in Hachinohe
Hachinohe, Aomori
- Neighbouring municipalities :Aomori Prefecture*Sannohe District**Hashikami**Gonohe**Nanbu*Kamikita District**OiraseIwate Prefecture*Karumai-History:...

, Aomori
Aomori Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tōhoku Region. The capital is the city of Aomori.- History :Until the Meiji Restoration, the area of Aomori prefecture was known as Mutsu Province....

. She grew up in Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...

, Japan, and married on her 30th birthday: August 26, 2007. She is contracted to the Space Craft Group. She is affectionately referred to by her fellow seiyū and fans as "Sae-chan".


Saeko Chiba took up ballet at a young age with ambitions of becoming part of Takarazuka Revue
Takarazuka Revue
The Takarazuka Revue is a Japanese all-female musical theater troupe based in Takarazuka, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. Women play all roles in lavish, Broadway-style productions of Western-style musicals, and sometimes stories adapted from shōjo manga and Japanese folktales. The troupe takes its name...

. However, having failed the entrance exam for Takarazuka Music School in her third year of middle-school she joined the a stage
Stage (theatre)
In theatre or performance arts, the stage is a designated space for the performance productions. The stage serves as a space for actors or performers and a focal point for the members of the audience...

 group for teenage girls.

Having had several lead roles over the three years she spent with the troupe, Saeko was then cast in the lead voice acting role of Kotori Haruno in the Dreamcast game Kita e. Having had a taste of being a seiyū and deciding that she preferred voice acting to performing on stage, Saeko decided to pursue the career full-time.

Some of her earlier roles include her seiyū debut as Tsubaki Sakura in Kare Kano
Kare Kano
, is a manga series by Masami Tsuda. It was serialized in LaLa from 1996 to 2005 and collected in 21 tankōbon volumes by Hakusensha. It depicts the romance between "perfect" student Yukino Miyazawa and her academic rival Soichiro Arima, and the relationships of several of their friends.The series...

, Kitsune no Akane in Angel Tales
Angel Tales
is an anime series produced by Wonderfarm and Tōkyō Kids. The series was broadcast by the anime television network, Animax across its respective networks worldwide, including Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Asia, in English and other languages....

, and Elliot Chapman in Sci-Fi Harry
Sci-Fi Harry
is an anime series broadcast in Japan in 2000. It was a joint production of TV Asahi Corporation and Nagoya Broadcasting Network. It is a dark psychological horror series that was produced for nighttime broadcast slot.-Plot:...

. Saeko was famed for her long, straight, black hair and seemingly cold outward appearance which led to her being cast in various tsundere
is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time. The word is derived from the terms , meaning to turn away in disgust, and meaning to become 'lovey dovey'...

 and 'cool-girl' roles. She then cut her hair short in the spring of 2005, which strangely coincided with the increasing diversity of her roles, as Saeko herself noted on the My-HiME
is an anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, the series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005...

fandisc interview.

Saeko has also pursued a singing career with Yuki Kajiura
Yuki Kajiura
, born August 6, 1965 in Tokyo, Japan, is a Japanese composer and music producer. She has provided the music for several popular anime series, such as one of the Kimagure Orange Road movies, Noir, .hack//SIGN, Aquarian Age, Madlax, My-HiME, My-Otome, .hack//Roots, Pandora Hearts, Puella Magi...

, who wrote music for some of the Nanshō stage shows, writing and producing almost all her material. Her first single was Koi no Kiseki, the theme song for the PlayStation
The is a 32-bit fifth-generation video game console first released by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, .The PlayStation was the first of the PlayStation series of consoles and handheld game devices. The PlayStation 2 was the console's successor in 2000...

 game Meguri Aishite. She has since released nine singles and two albums, along with various character song and drama CDs. She has also performed theme songs for games such as Alundra 2 and Atelier Judie.

Saeko was also part of the group tiaraway
Tiaraway was a seiyū duo consisting of Saeko Chiba and Yuuka Nanri.- Biography :Tiaraway started out as a fix-termed seiyū duo in 2003, formed after the pair had recorded a song for the anime Memories Off 2nd...

 with fellow Nanshō member Yuuka Nanri
Yuuka Nanri
, commonly referred to as Yuuka, is a seiyū and also a known Japanese pop singer. She is contracted to Space Craft Entertainment of Space Craft Group.-Biography:Yuuka Nanri first debuted on NHK's in 1995, as a child star....

. Originally recording and performing as 'Saeko Chiba & Yuuka Nanri' for Memories Off 2nd
Memories Off
is the title of a series of Japanese romance visual novel video games released by KID. The first game in the series, simply called Memories Off, was released in 1999 for the PlayStation. Memories Off titles have been released on the PC as well as video and handheld gaming consoles such as the...

, the duo released three singles and an album before breaking up on 6 March 2005.


  • Aishiteruze Baby
    Aishiteruze Baby
    is a shōjo romance manga by Yoko Maki. It was serialized by Shueisha in Ribon from April 2002 and January 2005 and collected in seven bound volumes. It was adapted as a 26-episode anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment and Animax, broadcast in Japan on Animax from April to October 2004...

    (Ayumi Kubota)
  • Ajimu (Ajimu Yasuna)
  • Angel Tales
    Angel Tales
    is an anime series produced by Wonderfarm and Tōkyō Kids. The series was broadcast by the anime television network, Animax across its respective networks worldwide, including Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Asia, in English and other languages....

    (Kitsune no akane)
  • Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales (Oshizu)
  • Ask Dr. Rin!
    Ask Dr. Rin!
    is an eight volume manga series by Kiyoko Arai about a young girl named Meilin Kanzaki who is endowed with Feng shui powers which allow her to read people's fortunes and give advice on how to receive good luck. She does this on a website under the pseudonym of "Dr. Rin." She loves her friend Asuka...

    (Meirin Kanzaki)
  • Best Student Council (Karen Saitou)
  • Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan (Dokuro Mitsukai)
  • Boogiepop Phantom
    Boogiepop Phantom
    is a twelve episode anime television series produced by Madhouse Studios, based on the Boogiepop light novel series by Kouhei Kadono, particularly that of Boogiepop and Others and Boogiepop At Dawn...

    (Yoko Sasaoka)
  • Buzzer Beater
    Buzzer Beater
    is a manga series by Takehiko Inoue. The series debuted on the web and was later published in print format by Shueisha, being serialized in its Monthly Shōnen Jump manga magazine...

  • Captain Kuppa (Suika)
  • Chrono Crusade
    Chrono Crusade
    , also known as Chrno Crusade due to a typo in the original logo, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Moriyama. It was originally published by Kadokawa Shoten in Dragon Magazine which began serialization in November 1998. A 24-episode anime television series based on the...

    (Azmaria Hendric)
  • Code Geass and Code Geass R2 (Nina Einstein, Nagisa Chiba)
  • Dragonaut: The Resonance (Widow)
  • Duel Masters
    Duel Masters
    is a franchise based on a manga, anime and a trading card game. There is also a video game.-Trading Card Game:The card game originated in Japan, marketed by Takara Tomy. It was produced in English by Wizards of the Coast, who purchased the rights to the name Duel Masters from , which ran a...

    (Sayuki Manaka)
  • Gravion Zwei (Fei Xin Liu)
  • Gunparade March
    Gunparade March
    is a Japanese video game that was later turned into a 3 volume manga and a 12 episode anime.The video game, , was released on 28 September 2000, for the PlayStation. It was developed by Alfa System and published by Sony Computer Entertainment...

    (Noeru Sugawara)
  • Gun X Sword (Priscilla)
  • Hamtaro
    is a Japanese anime series. The main character is a hamster named Hamtaro who has a variety of adventures with other hamsters, called "Ham-Hams" . The show is based on a manga series by Ritsuko Kawai, Hamtaro Gets Lost and Other Stories, and Jealous Hamtaro and Other Stories...

  • Heat Guy J
    Heat Guy J
    is a 26 episode science fiction anime series created by Escaflowne director Kazuki Akane and Satelight.Heat Guy J was licensed and distributed in the U.S. in 2003 by Pioneer . It is set for re-release by Funimation Entertainment in the fall of 2009. The first 13 episodes of the show also was...

    (Kyoko Milchan)
  • Hell Girl (Yūko Murai)
  • Kare Kano
    Kare Kano
    , is a manga series by Masami Tsuda. It was serialized in LaLa from 1996 to 2005 and collected in 21 tankōbon volumes by Hakusensha. It depicts the romance between "perfect" student Yukino Miyazawa and her academic rival Soichiro Arima, and the relationships of several of their friends.The series...

    (Tsubaki Sakura)
  • Kemeko Deluxe!
    Kemeko Deluxe!
    is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by manga author Masakazu Iwasaki. The manga began serialization in the monthly shōnen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! on October 27, 2005, and is published by MediaWorks. The first episode of the anime adaptation was broadcast on October 4,...

  • Ki Fighter Taerang
    Ki Fighter Taerang
    Ki Fighter Taerang is a Japanese and Korean anime. It is a product of the major anime broadcaster Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation and NHK, and the animation was done by Production Grimi. The Director of this anime is Minoguchi Katuya. The story centers on the character Taerang, a legendary fighter...

  • Minami-ke
    is a Japanese manga series by Koharu Sakuraba, who also authored Kyō no Go no Ni. It was first serialized in the weekly Japanese manga magazine Young Magazine in 2004. The slice of life comedy focuses on the everyday life of three sisters: Haruka, Kana, and Chiaki Minami. The manga was adapted into...

  • My-HiME
    is an anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, the series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005...

    (Natsuki Kuga
    Natsuki Kuga
    is a fictional character from the My-HiME andMy-Otome anime and manga series. Her name is in the My-Otome series. She is voiced by Saeko Chiba in Japanese and Cheryl McMaster in English.- Common characteristics :...

  • My-Otome
    is an anime series created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, it is a spinoff of My-HiME anime series and as such My-Otome takes place in a new setting with new main characters....

    (Natsuki Kruger)
  • Madlax
    is a 26-episode Japanese anime television series produced in 2004 by the Bee Train animation studio. Kōichi Mashimo directed Madlax and the soundtrack was composed by Yuki Kajiura...

  • Nagasarete Airantō
    Nagasarete Airanto
    is a Japanese manga series created by Japanese author Takeshi Fujishiro. It was first serialized in the manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan in January 2002, published by Square Enix. Eighteen volumes have been released in Japan as of March 2011. A few years later, a couple of drama CDs were...

  • Nana
    Nana (manga)
    is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa, serialized in Cookie published by Shueisha. The manga derives its title from the name of the two main characters, both of whom are called Nana. Nana Komatsu is a small town girl who goes to Tokyo to follow her boyfriend and...

    (Miu Shinoda)
  • Nanaka 6/17
    Nanaka 6/17
    is a 12-tankoubon manga and 12-episode anime series created by Ken Yagami.The manga was published by Akita Shoten, while the anime was aired on TV Tokyo. The series is licensed for distribution in the United States by ADV Films...

    (Chie Kazamatsuri)
  • Nodame Cantabile
    Nodame Cantabile
    is a manga by Tomoko Ninomiya. It was serialized in Japan by Kodansha in the magazine Kiss from July 2001 to October 2009 and collected in 23 tankōbon volumes. A two-volume sequel, called Nodame Cantabile: Opera Chapter, which began serialization in the 10 December 2009 issue of Kiss, was released...

  • Noein
    , also known simply as Noein, is a science fiction anime television series directed by Kazuki Akane and Kenji Yasuda and produced by Satelight...

    (Ai Hasebe)
  • Peach Girl
    Peach Girl
    is a Japanese shōjo manga series by Miwa Ueda. It was published in Japan by Kodansha in Bessatsu Friend from 1998 to 2003 and collected in 18 volumes...

    (Momo Adachi)
  • Platonic Chain (Hitomi Tanaka)
  • Ray the Animation
    Ray the Animation
    Ray the Animation is a science fiction anime television series based on a manga by Yoshitomi Akihito. It ran from April 6, 2006 through June 29, 2006.-Plot:...

    (Anna Takekawa)
  • Rosario + Vampire
    Rosario + Vampire
    , often shortened to , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with...

    (Ruby Tojo)
  • Rosario + Vampire Capu2
    Rosario + Vampire
    , often shortened to , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with...

    (Ruby Tojo)
  • Rockman.EXE
    MegaMan NT Warrior
    Mega Man NT Warrior or Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as , is an anime and manga series based on the Mega Man Battle Network video game series...

    series (Jasmine)
  • Shugo Chara!
    Shugo Chara!
    , also known as My Guardian Characters, is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by the manga author duo, Peach-Pit. The story centers on elementary school girl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality...

    (Nadeshiko/Nagihiko Fujisaki)
  • Shigofumi (Natsuka Kasai)
  • Spice and Wolf II (Femi Amati)
  • Spider Riders
    Spider Riders
    is a series of science fiction novels first published in December 2004, published by Newmarket Press written by Tedd Anasti, Patsy Cameron-Anasti and Stephen D. Sullivan . The stories became the basis of the animated television series produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment of Canada and Bee Train of...

  • Strawberry Marshmallow
    Strawberry Marshmallow
    is a Japanese manga series by Barasui about the adventures of four elementary school girls and their older sister-figure. It began serialization in ASCII Media Works' manga magazine Dengeki Daioh in 2002. In 2005, the series was adapted into an anime series and a PlayStation 2 video game. Three...

    (Chika Itoh)
  • Strike Witches
    Strike Witches
    is a mixed-media project originally created by Humikane Shimada via a series of magazine illustration columns. It was later adapted into two light novel series, three manga series, an anime OVA, a televised anime series and various video games. The story revolves around teenage girls who are...

    (Mio Sakamoto (first season))
  • Tenshi no Shippo Chu! (Kitsune no akane)
  • Tsubasa Chronicle (Oruha)
  • Tetsuwan Birdy: Decode (Birdy Cephon Altera)
  • The Prince of Tennis
    The Prince of Tennis
    is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Takeshi Konomi. The title is often shortened to , a portmanteau of the two parts in the Japanese pronunciation of the words "Tennis Prince". The manga was first published in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in July 1999, and ended...

    (Kurumi Ijuuin)
  • The World of Narue
    The World of Narue
    is an anime and manga series about Izuka Kazuto and his half-alien girlfriend Narue Nanase. The title is named after A.E. van Vogt's The World of Null-A ....

    (Hajime Yagi)
  • UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie
    UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie
    , aka UFO Princess Valkyrie, is an anime series based on the manga of the same name, which has run for at eleven volumes, and still seems to be continuing...

    (Akina Nanamura, Akidora (Akidra))
  • Ultra Maniac
    Ultra Maniac
    is a manga series written by Wataru Yoshizumi. The romantic comedy series features 8th grader Ayu Tateishi, a tennis club member, and her transfer student friend, Nina Sakura, who is actually a trainee witch from the magical kingdom. It premiered in Shueisha's Ribon manga magazine in February 2001...

    (Maya Orihara)
  • Wandering Son (Chizuru Sarashina)
  • W Wish
    W Wish
    is a Japanese anime which aired as half of the "Princess Hour" with Final Approach as its second feature. It aired between October 2004 and January 2005. Like Final Approach, the show was based on a video game by the same name published by Trinet Entertainment.-Summary:Junna Tōno has a twin sister...

    (Tsubasa Ohtori)
  • Zettai Karen Children
    Zettai Karen Children
    is a Japanese shōnen manga by Takashi Shiina. The manga started being serialized in Shogakukan's manga magazine Shōnen Sunday in 2005. An anime series began on April 6, 2008 which ran for fifty-one episodes. Shiina developed the series out of a short story he had written in a special issues of...

    (Mary Ford)


  • .hack//Liminality
    .hack//Liminality is the OVA series directly related to the .hack video game series for the PlayStation 2, with the perspective of Liminality focused on the real world as opposed to the games' MMORPG The World. Liminality was separated into four volumes; each volume was released with its...

     (Yuki Aihara)
  • Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan (Dokuro-chan)
  • Cosplay Complex
    Cosplay Complex
    is a comedy anime original video animation that is centered around the after school cosplay club at East Oizumi Academy. The girls in the club practice so that they may one day be able to compete in cosplay competitions.-East Oizumi Cosplay Club:...

     (Maria Imai)
  • Karas
    Karas (anime)
    is a six-part original video animation. Tatsunoko Production produced it to commemorate its 40th anniversary of anime production. Each Karas episode was first televised in Japan as a pay-per-view program from March 25, 2005, to August 3, 2007, before being released onto DVDs...

     (Yoshiko Sagizaka)
  • Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu
    Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu
    is a Japanese sci-fi light novel series written by Mizuhito Akiyama with illustrations by Eeji Komatsu that centers on the relationship between Kana Iriya, a high school girl who has to fight alien invaders, and Naoyuki Asaba, a member of the school newspaper club and one of her few friends...

     (Akiho Sudou)
  • Kikoushi-Enma (Yukihime)
  • King of Bandit Jing in Seventh Heaven (Benedictine)
  • Kujibiki Unbalance
    Kujibiki Unbalance
    , as it exists in the real world, is a three-episode OVA from the highly popular 2004 anime Genshiken, as well as a series of three light novels by Genshiken anime collaborator Michiko Yokote. Within the world of Genshiken, however, Kujibiki Unbalance is a popular ongoing manga and 26-episode anime...

     (Ritsuko Kübel Kettenkrad)
  • Sci-Fi Harry
    Sci-Fi Harry
    is an anime series broadcast in Japan in 2000. It was a joint production of TV Asahi Corporation and Nagoya Broadcasting Network. It is a dark psychological horror series that was produced for nighttime broadcast slot.-Plot:...

     (Elliott Chapman)
  • Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea
    Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea
    is a PS2 and PC game, developed by Kogado Studio. This game is part of the Deep-Blue series along with the sequel, . The story has been adapted into an OVA, and has been released with a title of "發明工坊" in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, U.S.A., Russia, and Poland....

     (Panavia Tornado)
  • My-Otome Zwei
    My-Otome Zwei
    is a Japanese OVA anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, it consists of four episodes, which were released across three-month intervals and is the sequel to the original My-Otome anime series...

     (Natsuki Kruger)
  • Tetsuwan Birdy: Decode OVA "The Chiper" (Birdy Cephon Altera)


  • Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins (Aishia)
  • Case Closed: The Mirapolis Investigation (Linda Hanayama)
  • Chocolat~maid cafe curio (Kanako Akishima)
  • Grandia III
    Grandia III
    is a role-playing video game developed by Game Arts and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 2 console. Originally released in Japan in August 2005, the game later made available in English in North America in February 2006, and is the first main series Grandia title to not appear in the...

  • Kita he~White Illumination (Kotori Haruno)
  • Kita he~Photo Memories (Kotori Haruno)
  • Memories Off 2nd
    Memories Off 2nd
    is a Japanese romance visual novel developed by KID for the Dreamcast and PlayStation consoles. It is the second game in the Memories Off series. The game was released for the PlayStation Portable on May 29, 2008.-Characters:...

     (Takano Suzuna)
  • My-HiME ~Unmei no Keitōju~
    is an anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, the series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005...

     (Natsuki Kuga)
  • Tales of Hearts
    Tales of Hearts
    is the eleventh mothership title in the Tales series exclusively for the Nintendo DS, which was released on December 18, 2008 in Japan. Tales of Hearts characteristic genre name is...

     (Beryl Benito)
  • Tales of Vesperia
    Tales of Vesperia
    is the tenth main title in the Tales series. It was developed by Namco Tales Studio and published by Namco Bandai Games for the Xbox 360. The title was announced on December 22, 2007 at Jump Festa, and was released on August 7, 2008 in Asia, and on August 26, 2008 in North America...

  • Dengeki Gakuen RPG: Cross of Venus
    Dengeki Gakuen RPG: Cross of Venus
    is a Japanese action role-playing video game developed by Pegasus Japan and published by ASCII Media Works for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console, and was first released in Japan on March 19, 2009 in limited and regular editions. The game was produced in commemoration of the fifteenth...



  • The Secret Saturdays
    The Secret Saturdays
    The Secret Saturdays is an American animated television series created by Canadian cartoonist Jay Stephens for Cartoon Network. It debuted on October 3, 2008, in the United States...

    (Drew Saturday)
  • Total Drama series (Gwen)
  • Transformers: Prime
    Transformers: Prime
    Transformers: Prime, also known as Transformers: Prime –The Animated Series, is an American computer-animated television series based on the Transformers toy franchise by Hasbro. It airs on the The Hub in the United States...



# Title Release Date Oricon
, established in 1999, is the holding company at the head of a Japanese corporate group that supplies statistics and information on music and the music industry in Japan. It started as , which was founded by Sōkō Koike in November 1967 and became known for its music charts. Oricon Inc...

} ||align="center"| 1999.02.27 ||align="center"| _
| 2 || Carry On Everyday ||align="center"| 1999.11.20 ||align="center"| _
| 3 || ||align="center"| 2001.04.25 ||align="center"| _
| 4 || ||align="center"| 2002.08.24 ||align="center"| _
| 5 || ||align="center"| 2002.11.10 ||align="center"| _
| 6 || ||align="center"| 2003.01.22 ||align="center"| #163
| 7 || ||align="center"| 2003.05.21 ||align="center"| #73
| 8 || Winter Story ||align="center"| 2003.11.27 ||align="center"| #106
| 9 || ||align="center"| 2004.01.21 ||align="center"| #53

Character singles

# Title Release Date Anime information
} ||align="center"| 2003.12.03 || Image single of Akina Nanamura from UFO Princess Valkyrie
| 2 || ||align="center"| 2004.09.15 || Image single of Natsuki Kuga from My-HiME
is an anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, the series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005...

| 3 || ||align="center"| 2005.03.09 || Image single of Chika Ito from Strawberry Marshmallow
Strawberry Marshmallow
is a Japanese manga series by Barasui about the adventures of four elementary school girls and their older sister-figure. It began serialization in ASCII Media Works' manga magazine Dengeki Daioh in 2002. In 2005, the series was adapted into an anime series and a PlayStation 2 video game. Three...

| 4 || ||align="center"| 2008.03.26 || Image single of Ruby Tojou from Rosario + Vampire
Rosario + Vampire
, often shortened to , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with...

| 5 || ||align="center"| 2008.03.26 || Image single of Ruby Tojou from Rosario + Vampire
Rosario + Vampire
, often shortened to , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with...

| 6 || ||align="center"| 2009.08.05 || Image single of Nadeshiko/Nagihiko Fujisaki from Shugo Chara!
Shugo Chara!
, also known as My Guardian Characters, is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by the manga author duo, Peach-Pit. The story centers on elementary school girl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality...



# Title Release Date Oricon peak
1 melody 2003.03.26 #201
2 everything 2004.06.23 #126

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.