Saharna Nouă
Saharna Nouă is a commune in Rezina district, Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...

. It is composed of three villages: Saharna Nouă, Buciuşca and Saharna.

Saharna Monastery is situated at the distance of 120 km from Chisinau city. The monastic complex is a natural reservation and carved into the cliff side. The "Holy Trinity" Monastery of Saharna, situated about 110 km north of Chisinau on the right side of the Nistru, is considered to be one of the biggest centres for religious pilgrimages in Moldova. Here can be found the unique relicts of St. Cuvios Macarie, and on the top of the high cliff, according to a legend, there is a footprint of St. Maria. The legend says that a monk from the monastery once saw the shining figure of Saint Maria on the top of a rock. When reaching that spot the monk saw a mark of a footstep on the ground.
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