Sailfin catfish (disambiguation)
Sailfin catfish, Janitor fish can refer to any of:
  • Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus
    Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus
    Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus is a tropical fish known as a Plecostomus belonging to the armored catfish family . Named for its sail-like dorsal fin, the part of its scientific name multiradiatus means "many-rayed" and refers to the rays of the dorsal fin. P...

    - the sailfin catfish
  • Pterygoplichthys pardalis
    Pterygoplichthys pardalis
    Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a tropical fish, a Plecostomus in the Armored Catfish family . Some synonyms for this species are Hypostomus pardalis, Liposarcus pardalis, Liposarcus varius, and Liposarcus jeanesianus. It is one of a number of species commonly referred to as the Common Pleco or...

    - the amazon sailfin catfish
  • Pterygoplichthys anisitsi - the snow king sailfin catfish
  • Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps
    Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps
    Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps is a species of freshwater fish of the genus Pterygoplichthys of the family Loricariidae of order Siluriformes.This species is found throughout river basins in the Amazon region of South America.P...

    (reclassified as Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps) - sailfin plec (L164) also known as leopard plec or spotted sailfin catfish
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