Sailing at the 1976 Summer Olympics – Soling
The Soling
A Soling is a class of open keelboat designed by Jan Linge of Norway in 1965. In 1968, it was chosen from among many other boats to be the men's triple-handed boat for the 1972 Olympics...

was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1976 Summer Olympics
Sailing at the 1976 Summer Olympics
Sailing/Yachting is a Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad . With the exception of 1904 and possible 1916 sailing was always a part of the Olympic program....

 program in Kingston
Kingston, Ontario
Kingston, Ontario is a Canadian city located in Eastern Ontario where the St. Lawrence River flows out of Lake Ontario. Originally a First Nations settlement called "Katarowki," , growing European exploration in the 17th Century made it an important trading post...

, Ontario
Ontario is a province of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province and second largest in total area. It is home to the nation's most populous city, Toronto, and the nation's capital, Ottawa....

 . Seven races were scheduled. 72 sailors, on 24 boats, from 24 nations competed.


Helmsman (Country) Crew Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
align=left |align=left| Valdemar Bandolowski
Valdemar Bandolowski
Valdemar Bandolowski is a Danish sailor and Olympic champion.He won a gold medal in the Soling Class at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, and again at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.-References:...

Erik Hansen
Erik Hansen (sailor)
Erik Herman Hansen is a Danish sailor and Olympic champion.He won a gold medal in the Soling Class at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, and again at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.-References:...

2 3.0 2 3.0 13 19.0 6 11.7 13 19.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 65.7 46.7
align=left |align=left| Walter Glasgow
Walter Glasgow
Walter Glasgow is an American sailor. He won a silver medal in the Soling Class with John Kolius and Richard Hoepfner at the 1976 Summer Olympics.-References:* at

Richard Hoepfner
Richard Hoepfner
Richard Hoepfner is an American sailor. He won a silver medal in the Soling Class with John Kolius and Walter Glasgow at the 1976 Summer Olympics.-References:* at

8 14.0 3 5.7 11 17.0 2 3.0 7 13.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 64.4 47.4
align=left |align=left| Michael Zachries
Michael Zachries
Michael Zachries is a German sailor. He won a bronze medal in the Soling Class with Dieter Below and Olaf Engelhardt at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.-References:* at

Olaf Engelhardt
Olaf Engelhardt
Olaf Engelhardt is a German sailor. He won a bronze medal in the Soling Class with Dieter Below and Michael Zachries at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.-References:* at

5 10.0 4 8.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 5 10.0 4 8.0 7 13.0 60.4 47.4
4 align=left |align=left| Valentin Zamotaikin 
Nikolai Poliakov 
4 8.0 1 0.0 12 18.0 DSQ 33.0 3 5.7 8 14.0 2 3.0 81.7 48.7
5 align=left |align=left| Harald de Vlaming 
Pieter Keijzer 
14 20.0 5 10.0 2 3.0 RET 30.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 9 15.0 88.0 58.0
6 align=left |align=left| Karsten Meyer
Karsten Meyer
Karsten Meyer was a German competitive sailor and Olympic medalist. He won a bronze medal in the Star class at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, together with Wilhelm Kuhweide.-References:...

Axel May 
11 17.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 11 17.0 2 3.0 6 11.7 77.7 60.7
7 align=left |align=left| Patrick Oeuvrard 
Bruno Trouble 
1 0.0 13 19.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 17 23.0 11 17.0 12 18.0 87.0 64.0
8 align=left |align=left| Sandy MacMillan 
Andreas Josenhans 
9 15.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 1 0.0 12 18.0 3 5.7 13 19.0 87.7 68.7
9 align=left |align=left| Peter Sundelin
Peter Sundelin
Peter Sundelin is a Swedish sailor and Olympic champion. He competed at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, where he received a gold medal in the 5.5 metre class with the boat Wasa IV, together with Jörgen Sundelin and Ulf Sundelin.-References:...

Stefan Sundelin 
3 5.7 14 20.0 9 15.0 8 14.0 2 3.0 12 18.0 10 16.0 91.7 71.7
10 align=left |align=left| Vicente D'Avila M. Brun 
Andreas Wengert 
17 23.0 9 15.0 6 11.7 16 22.0 4 8.0 13 19.0 3 5.7 104.4 81.4
11 align=left |align=left| John Anderson 
Denis O'Neil 
19 25.0 6 11.7 14 20.0 9 15.0 DSQ 33.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 125.7 92.7
12 align=left |align=left| Humberto Costas 
Felix Anglada 
10 16.0 11 17.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 16 22.0 9 15.0 11 17.0 117.0 95.0
13 align=left |align=left| Michael Baker-Harber 
Barry Dunning 
15 21.0 16 22.0 5 10.0 13 19.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 RET 30.0 132.0 102.0
14 align=left |align=left| Konstant Lymberakis 
George Perrakis 
18 24.0 12 18.0 19 25.0 12 18.0 6 11.7 17 23.0 8 14.0 133.7 108.7
15 align=left |align=left| G. Franco Oradini 
Leopoldo Dimartino 
16 22.0 10 16.0 7 13.0 7 13.0 RET 30.0 19 25.0 16 22.0 141.0 111.0
16 align=left |align=left| Morten Rieker 
Kim Torkildsen 
6 11.7 20 26.0 21 27.0 11 17.0 14 20.0 18 24.0 14 20.0 145.7 118.7
17 align=left |align=left| Walter Raudaschl 
Rudolf Mayr 
13 19.0 17 23.0 15 21.0 20 26.0 9 15.0 16 22.0 17 23.0 149.0 123.0
18 align=left |align=left| Matti Paloheimo 
Reijo Laine 
7 13.0 19 25.0 20 26.0 17 23.0 20 26.0 DSQ 33.0 15 21.0 167.0 134.0
19 align=left |align=left| Gavin Bornholdt 
Chris Urry 
20 26.0 15 21.0 17 23.0 15 21.0 19 25.0 15 21.0 18 24.0 161.0 135.0
20 align=left |align=left| Andres J. Robinson 
Jorge A. Rao 
22 28.0 22 28.0 18 24.0 14 20.0 15 21.0 14 20.0 19 25.0 166.0 138.0
21 align=left |align=left| Gordon Flood 
Raymond Pitman 
12 18.0 18 24.0 RET 30.0 22 28.0 10 16.0 22 28.0 21 27.0 171.0 141.0
22 align=left |align=left| James H. Fairbank 
Lee Gentil 
21 27.0 21 27.0 16 22.0 19 25.0 21 27.0 20 26.0 20 26.0 180.0 153.0
23 align=left |align=left| Jean-Pierre Borro 
Claude Rossi 
23 29.0 23 29.0 23 29.0 18 24.0 18 24.0 DSQ 33.0 23 29.0 197.0 164.0
24 align=left |align=left| Tim Kelbert 
Doug Graham
24 30.0 24 30.0 22 28.0 21 27.0 22 28.0 21 27.0 22 28.0 198.0 168.0

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified, PMS = Premature Start, YMP = Yacht Materially Prejudiced

= Male, = Female

Daily standings

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