Saint Gerard


  • Gerard of Brogne
    Gérard of Brogne
    Saint Gérard was an abbot of Brogne. A native of Staves , he was a member of the family of dukes of Lower Austrasia. Originally a soldier, he rebuilt a family chapel into a large church and later became a monk at Saint-Denis. He was then ordained priest...

     (~895-959), abbot in Belgium
  • Gerard of Toul
    Gerard of Toul
    Saint Gerard of Toul, also Saint Gerald of Toul was a German priest who was appointed bishop of Toul in 963. He ruled for 31 years.Unlike some other saints he was born into a very wealthy, noble family....

     (935-994), bishop of Toul, now in France
  • Gerard Sagredo
    Gerard Sagredo
    Saint Gerard Sagredo , also called Gerhard or Gellert, was an Italian bishop from Venice who operated in the Kingdom of Hungary , and educated Saint Emeric of Hungary, the son of Saint Stephen of Hungary). He played a major role in converting Hungary to Christianity...

     (980-1046), bishop of Budapest
  • Gerard of Potenza
    Gerard of Potenza
    Saint Gerard of Potenza, also Gerard La Porta was a Roman Catholic saint and a bishop of Potenza in Italy,-Life:Gerard was born in Piacenza into a noble family. He travelled into southern Italy in search of holy sites, but when he reached Potenza he decided to dedicate himself to the apostolic life...

     (d. 1118), bishop of Potenza in Italy
  • Gerard of Clairvaux
    Gerard of Clairvaux
    Saint Gerard of Clairvaux was the older brother of Bernard of Clairvaux. When Bernard entered Cîteaux with a group of young relatives and friends in 1112, Gerard did not join him. Instead, he participated in the military life, but was injured during a siege of Grancy and was also imprisoned...

     (d. 1138), French monk
  • Gerard of Lunel
    Gerard of Lunel
    Saint Gerard of Lunel , also known as Roger of Lunel and as Saint Géri , was a French saint. Born to the French nobility, he became a Franciscan tertiary at the age of five....

     (1275-1298), French saint
  • Saint Gerard Majella
    Gerard Majella
    Saint Gerard Majella is a Roman Catholic saint. He is the saint whose intercession is requested for children , childbirth, mothers , motherhood, falsely accused people, good confessions, lay brothers and Muro Lucano,...

     (1726-1755), Italian saint


  • St. Gerard Majella Annual Novena
    St. Gerard Majella Annual Novena
    The Solemn Novena to St. Gerard Majella is held over 9 days in St. Joseph's Redemptorist Church, Dundalk, Ireland. It runs from 8th to the 16th October.- About St. Gerard Majella :...

    , Dundalk, Ireland
  • Saint-Gérard, Belgium, a village in southern Belgium
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