Saint Julius
Saint Julius is the name of:
  • Pope Julius I
    Pope Julius I
    Pope Saint Julius I, was pope from February 6, 337 to April 12, 352.He was a native of Rome and was chosen as successor of Mark after the Roman seat had been vacant for four months. He is chiefly known by the part he took in the Arian controversy...

     (died 352), pope from February 6, 337 to April 12, 352
  • See Julius and Aaron
    Julius and Aaron
    Saints Julius and Aaron are celebrated as two British martyrs who died during the religious persecutions of the Emperor Diocletian in AD 304. Their feast day was traditionally celebrated on July 1....

     for Julius (died 304), British martyr
  • Saint Julius the Veteran
    Saint Julius the Veteran
    Saint Julius the Veteran , also known as Julius of Durostorum, is a Catholic and Eastern Orthodox saint and martyr. His feast day is May 27....

    , Catholic saint and martyr
  • Julius of Novara
    Julius of Novara
    Julius of Novara was a missionary priest to northern Italy.His cult is centered at Lake Orta in the Novarese highlands, and in particular on the island which has been named for him since at least the eighth century, Isola San Giulio, and where his presumed relics are preserved in the crypt,...

    (died 390), after whom the Isola San Giulio is named
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