Saint Tanguy
Saint Tanguy of Locmazhé, or Sant Tangi in Breton
Breton language
Breton is a Celtic language spoken in Brittany , France. Breton is a Brythonic language, descended from the Celtic British language brought from Great Britain to Armorica by migrating Britons during the Early Middle Ages. Like the other Brythonic languages, Welsh and Cornish, it is classified as...

, (+ 594) was a Breton
Breton people
The Bretons are an ethnic group located in the region of Brittany in France. They trace much of their heritage to groups of Brythonic speakers who emigrated from southwestern Great Britain in waves from the 3rd to 6th century into the Armorican peninsula, subsequently named Brittany after them.The...

 monk from Gerber (Le Relecq
Le Relecq-Kerhuon
Le Relecq-Kerhuon is a commune in the Finistère department of Brittany in north-western France.-Population:Inhabitants of Le Relecq-Kerhuon are called in French Relecquois or Kerhorres.-Breton language:...

). He founded the abbaye de Saint Matthieu
Abbaye Saint-Mathieu de Fine-Terre
The abbaye Saint-Mathieu-de-Fine-Terre is a Breton abbey, whose ruins are to be found in the territory of what is now the commune of Plougonvelin on pointe Saint-Mathieu , in the département of Finistère. It gives the cape its name...

 at Le Conquet
Le Conquet
Le Conquet is a commune in the Finistère department of Brittany in north-western France.-Geography:Le Conquet is a fishing port in the northwest of Brittany...

 and is buried at Locmazhé (Finistère
Finistère is a département of France, in the extreme west of Brittany.-History:The name Finistère derives from the Latin Finis Terræ, meaning end of the earth, and may be compared with Land's End on the opposite side of the English Channel...

). Saint Tanguy is celebrated on 19 November, the day after the festival of his sister Aude de Trémazan, or on 12 March, the same day as the festival of his spiritual father saint Pol Aurélien.
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