Schwein is a music group comprising members of Buck-Tick
Buck-Tick is a rock band formed in 1983 in Fujioka, Japan. The band has consisted of Atsushi Sakurai , Hisashi Imai , Hidehiko Hoshino , Yutaka Higuchi and Toll Yagami for the majority of its existence...

KMFDM is an industrial band led by German multi-instrumentalist Sascha Konietzko, who founded the group in 1984 as a performance art project...

, and PIG. Members Raymond Watts (vocals, programming, guitar) and Hisashi Imai
Hisashi Imai
is a Japanese musician and songwriter. He is known as lead guitarist of the rock band Buck-Tick since 1983. He has also performed in musical side-projects such as Schaft , Schwein , and more recently Lucy .- History :...

 (Buck-Tick; guitar and noise), both having worked together in Schaft
Schaft is a Japanese musical side project whose main members are Fujii Maki of Soft Ballet and Hisashi Imai of Buck-Tick. Schaft can be thought of as being a supergroup in that Maki and Imai form the core of the group and a rotating roster of collaborators, who are well-known within their genres,...

, were joined by Atsushi Sakurai
Atsushi Sakurai
is a Japanese musician and singer-songwriter. He has been the vocalist for the rock band Buck-Tick since 1985, previously being their drummer from 1983. He was also a member of Schwein with Hisashi Imai , Sascha Konietzko and Raymond Watts ....

 (Buck-Tick; vocals), Sascha Konietzko
Sascha Konietzko
Sascha Konietzko , also known as Sascha K and Käpt'n K, is a German musician and producer. He is the founder, frontman, and "anchor" of industrial rock band KMFDM. Konietzko jokingly purports himself to be the father of industrial rock...

 (KMFDM; vocals and programming) and Lucia Cifarelli
Lucia Cifarelli
Lucia Cifarelli is currently a vocalist and occasional keyboardist for industrial music group KMFDM...

 (KMFDM; vocals). In 2001 Schwein released an album, Schweinstein
-Personnel:* Sakurai Atsushi – vocals* Imai Hisashi – guitar* Raymond Watts – vocals, programming, guitar* Sascha Konietzko – vocals, programming* Lucia Cifarelli – vocals* Jules Hodgson – guitar* Chris Ignatiou – guitar* Julian Beeston – programming...

, followed by the remix album
Remix album
A remix album is an album consisting mostly of remixes or re-recorded versions of a music artists' earlier released material.One of the earliest remix albums was 1971's Aerial Pandemonium Ballet by Harry Nilsson, which was released by Nilsson after the successes of Everybody's Talkin and The Point!...

 Son of Schweinstein
Son of Schweinstein
Son of Schweinstein is a remix EP by Schwein. Released following Schweinstein, Son of Schweinstein features remixes of tracks found on Schweinstein.-Track listing:...

. Schwein toured Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

in the summer of 2001. However, Konietzko did not tour with them, citing illness and a desire to focus on KMFDM.
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