Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen
Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (Scouts and Guides of Flanders) is a Christian, coeducational, Flemish
Flanders is the community of the Flemings but also one of the institutions in Belgium, and a geographical region located in parts of present-day Belgium, France and the Netherlands. "Flanders" can also refer to the northern part of Belgium that contains Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp...

Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society....

 and Guide organisation in Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

 and is a member of the Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique/Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België
Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique
Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België or Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique is the national Guiding and Scouting federation in Belgium. Scouting in Belgium started in 1911, and Guiding followed in 1915...

 (GSB, Guides and Scouts Movement of Belgium).

The way of working of Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen is based on five basic principles: Joint management, Engagement, Self-activation, Service, Teamwork.

History Flemish catholic scouting

  • 1912: the Belgian Catholic Scouts‘ (BCS) was founded, later that year renamed to Baden-Powell Belgian Boy Scouts’ (BPBBS)
  • 1913: the first Catholic Flemish group was founded in the city of Antwerp: 1ste Sint-Jacob (First Saint Jake).
  • 1915: the Baden-Powell Belgian Girl Scouts’ (BPBGS) was founded.
  • 1916: the first Catholic Sea Scout group was founded in the city of Antwerp, BPBBS remamed to the Baden-Powell Belgian Boy and Sea Scouts (BPBBSS)
  • 1929: BPBGS renamed to Association Catholiques des Guides Belges-Associatie der Katholieke Padvindsters van België (GCB-KPB)
  • 1930: the BPBBSS split in the Dutch speaking Vlaamsch Verbond der Katholieke Scouts (VVKS) and the French speaking Fédération des Scouts Catholiques
  • 1939: some guide groups left the GCB-KPB and founded, with help of the VVKS, the Katholieke Vlaamse Meisjesgidsen (KVMG), "Blue Guides", a more Flemish organisation, not recognized by the WAGGGS.
  • 1945: the GCB-KPB changed its structure to a federation with a Dutch speaking branch KPB and a French speaking branch GCB
  • 1945-1953: some tries to rejoin KPB and KVMG as Katholieke Meisjesgidsen van België (KMGB), GCB-KPB renamed to GCB-KMGB
  • 1959-1960: the last Blue Guides rejoin the GCB-KMGB and the GCB-KMGB split in two separate organisations: the Dutch speaking Katholieke Meisjesgidsen van België (KMGB) and the French speaking Les Guides Catholiques des Belgique (GCB)
  • 1961: KMGB renamed to Vlaams Verbond der Katholieke Meisjesgidsen (VVKM)
  • 1973: VVKM and VVKS started merger as VVKM-VVKS
  • 1982: VVKM and VVKS fully merged and renamed to Vlaams Verbond van Katholieke Scouts en Meisjesgidsen (VVKSM)
  • 2006: VVKSM renamed to Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen.


Agegroup Boys Girls Co-edSeascouts
6 - 8 Kapoenen Zeehondjes
8 - 11 Welpen Kabouters Wouters Zeewelpen
11 - 14 Jongverkenners Jonggidsen Jonggivers Scheepsmakkers
14 - 17 Verkenners Gidsen Givers Zeeverkenners/-gidsen
17 - 18 Jins Loodsen
18 + Leaders

Giver = Gids-Verkenner


Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen has a progressive promise, a member uses the verse he/she understands. The first is for Kapoenen, the last for Jins and Leaders.

Ik ben scout/ gids

Ik verken de wereld,

ik val, ik tuimel en ik sta weer op.

Ik wil mijn best doen.

Ik ben scout/gids, tussen scouts en gidsen

Daarom beloof ik

me in te zetten voor mijn groep,

want mijn werk is ploegwerk,

en onze inzet verzet bergen.

Ik ben scout/gids, tussen scouts en gidsen,

hier & nu; ginds & morgen

het spel dat we spelen is niet luchtledig.

Samen willen we de wereld verdraaien.

Ik ben scout/gids, tussen scouts en gidsen, in de wereld

zo hoop ik op iets meer dan wat ik zie.

Ik hoop dat wat ik doe niet voor niets is,

ik geloof dat wat we doen zin heeft,

ik beloof dat het niet om het even is.
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