Seagoras also known as Seagores or Seagorath, is a fictional kaiju from the tokusatsu TV series, The Return of Ultraman. Seagoras appeared in episodes 13, 14, and 37.

Seagoras's subtitle is .


Appearing late one night with his mate, the two monsters Seagoras and Seamons
Seamons , is a fictional kaiju from the tokusatsu TV series, The Return of Ultraman. Seamons appeared in episodes 13 and 14.Seamons's subtitle is .- History :...

 attacked a ship full of diamonds and gems by using their weather-controlling powers. After attacking, they disappeared beneath the waves.

Later on Seamons was having some trouble on land as she was confronted by MAT, and so she called out to her mate. Seagoras heard the call and emerged from the bottom of the ocean to aid her. Using his own weather control powers, Seagoras created a Tsunami hundreds of feet tall and directed it towards Japan! Luckily, Ultraman Jack arrived, creating the Ultra Barrier and successfully repelled the tsunami back at Seagoras subduing the monster, but lost most of his energy in the process. Seamons easily knocked around Jack, forcing him to leave. MAT then realized that Seamons and Seagoras are trying to mate and use the diamonds for preparation.

Later that day, Seamons was attacked again, this time by Japan's SDF. Seagoras soon appeared himself hearing Seamons call again and both mates used their powers to create a tornado to eliminate the SDF. To ensure they wouldn't attack his mate again, Seagoras stayed with his mate on dry land and the two began their mating process. The next day, Ultraman Jack returned to battle once again but he had a very difficult time dealing with both Seamons and Seagoras and their combined weather controlling powers. Luckily, a newly-tested Laser Gun SP-70 was created by MAT and fired at Seagoras's massive horn, successfully destroying it. Without their advantage of Seagoras's weather control, both mates retreated back into the ocean.

Many months later, Alien Nackle
Alien Nackle
is a race of alien creatures originally featured in the 1971 tokusatsu TV series, Return of Ultraman. Nackle appeared in Episodes 37-38.Subtitle: .- History :...

 revived both Seagoras and Bemstar
is a fictional kaiju from the tokusatsu TV series, The Return of Ultraman . Bemstar appeared in episodes 18 and 37.Subtitle: .-The Return Of Ultraman :He stands at around 46 meters tall, weighing around 61,000 tons....

 to test Jack's strength in battle. Seagoras created another gigantic Tsunami, but like before Jack used his Ultra Barrier to repel the wave, and then proceeded to fight Seagoras. He then fired his Specium Ray, destroying Seagoras's horn. It is assumed that this killed Seagoras as he was never seen again as Bemstar
is a fictional kaiju from the tokusatsu TV series, The Return of Ultraman . Bemstar appeared in episodes 18 and 37.Subtitle: .-The Return Of Ultraman :He stands at around 46 meters tall, weighing around 61,000 tons....

 suddenly appeared to fight Jack.


  • What exactly happened to Seagoras after his first fight with Ultraman Jack is a mystery, it is assumed he died as he was "revived" by Alien Nackle along with Bemstar, however this is only displayed as Stock Footage from their previous episode appearances.

  • While not appearing in the series himself, a silohuette of Seagoras is seen in the opening of the following series Ultraman Ace
    Ultraman Ace
    is the 5th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, the series aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System from April 7, 1972 to March 30, 1973, with a total of 52 episodes....


  • Seagoras's horn was used to form the chimera monster, Tyrant
    Tyrant (Ultra monster)
    is a fictional kaiju from the tokusatsu TV series, Ultraman Taro.Tyrant appeared in Episodes 40. He is one the most popular monsters in the series.Subtitle: .-Powers and Abilities:...


  • Seagoras can be seen as one of the fingers on Beryudora's right hand.
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