Sergei Trufanoff
Sergei Michailovich Trufanov a.k.a. Iliodor (Russian
Russian language
Russian is a Slavic language used primarily in Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is an unofficial but widely spoken language in Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Turkmenistan and Estonia and, to a lesser extent, the other countries that were once constituent republics...

: Серге́й Миха́йлович Труфа́нов, October 19, 1880 – 1952) was a lapsed hieromonk and author.

Graduating from St. Petersburg Theological Academy and ordained a hieromonk under the name Iliodor, he was involved in the right-wing Black Hundreds movement. He gained notoriety for his violently anti-Semitic speeches, and was prohibited to preach by the Most Holy Synod
Most Holy Synod
The Most Holy Governing Synod was the highest governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church between 1721 and 1918, when the Patriarchate was restored. The jurisdiction of the Most Holy Synod extended over every kind of ecclesiastical question and over some that are partly secular.The Synod was...


Once a close associate of Grigori Rasputin
Grigori Rasputin
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was a Russian Orthodox Christian and mystic who is perceived as having influenced the latter days of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and their only son Alexei...

 he broke sharply with him in 1911 for reasons that are not clear and started a slander and blackmail campaign against his former friend. He is known primarily for his work, semi-autobiographical, and biographical on Rasputin. In this work he was supported by Maxim Gorky
Maxim Gorky
Alexei Maximovich Peshkov , primarily known as Maxim Gorky , was a Russian and Soviet author, a founder of the Socialist Realism literary method and a political activist.-Early years:...

, who hoped that Trufanoff's story on Rasputin would discredit Tsar's family and eventually contribute to the revolutionary propaganda.

In 1912 Iliodor renounced Russian Orthodox Church, published an apology to Jews and was defrocked. He emigrated from Russia to Norway in 1914. In 1918 he returned to Soviet Russia, offering his services to Lenin, and lived for several years in Tsaritsyn. In 1922 he was deported for anti-Soviet propagandizing, and spent most of the remainder of his life in New York City, where he became a Baptist.

Casimir Pilenas
Casimir Pilenas
Casimir Pilenas, a.k.a. Casimir Palmer, and a.k.a., Casimir Palmer-Pilenas, was a private investigator, a British intelligence agent, and a "spotter" for Scotland Yard.- Biography :According to study by Rita T...

, in his correspondence with the American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Committee
The American Jewish Committee was "founded in 1906 with the aim of rallying all sections of American Jewry to defend the rights of Jews all over the world...

, claimed to be his "agent."


See also

  • Khioniya Kozmishna Guseva
    Khioniya Kozmishna Guseva
    Khioniya Kuzminichna Guseva was born ca. 1881 and was a townswoman of Syzran', Simbirsk province. By 1914, she was 33 years old and living in Tsaritsyn, which is today Volgograd...

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