Serving Two Masters (Private Practice)
"Serving Two Masters" is the sixth episode of the second season from the Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...

Spin-off (media)
In media, a spin-off is a radio program, television program, video game, or any narrative work, derived from one or more already existing works, that focuses, in particular, in more detail on one aspect of that original work...

 show, Private Practice. The episode aired on November 19, 2008 in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 on ABC
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...



Addison treats two pregnant women who unknowingly share the same husband, a visit from an Alzheimer's patient and her loving husband forces Sam and Naomi to look at their own relationship, Violet confronts Charlotte about her relationship with Cooper, and Dell reveals a very special woman in his life to his surprised co-workers.


  • Kate Walsh
    Kate Walsh (actor)
    Kathleen Erin "Kate" Walsh is an American film and television actress, currently known for her role as Dr. Addison Montgomery on the ABC dramas Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.-Early life:...

     as Dr. Addison Montgomery
  • Tim Daly as Dr. Pete Wilder
  • Audra McDonald
    Audra McDonald
    Audra Ann McDonald is an American actress and singer. She currently stars in the ABC television drama Private Practice as Dr. Naomi Bennett. She has appeared on the stage in both musicals and dramas, such as Ragtime and A Raisin in the Sun...

     as Dr. Naomi Bennett
  • Taye Diggs
    Taye Diggs
    Scott Leo "Taye" Diggs is an American theatre, film and television actor. He is perhaps best known for his roles in the Broadway musical Rent, the motion picture How Stella Got Her Groove Back, and the television series Private Practice...

     as Dr. Sam Bennett
  • Amy Brenneman
    Amy Brenneman
    Amy Frederica Brenneman is an American actress, perhaps best known for her roles in the television series NYPD Blue, Judging Amy and Private Practice...

     as Dr. Violet Turner
  • Paul Adelstein
    Paul Adelstein
    Paul Adelstein is an American television and film actor, best known for the role of Agent Paul Kellerman in the television series, Prison Break, and his current role as pediatrician Cooper Freedman in the series Private Practice....

     as Dr. Cooper Freedman
  • Chris Lowell
    Chris Lowell
    Christopher "Chris" Lowell is an American television actor. He played the role of Stosh "Piz" Piznarski in the CW noir drama Veronica Mars and most recently played the character William "Dell" Parker in the ABC Grey's Anatomy spin-off, Private Practice.-Personal life:Lowell was born in Atlanta,...

     as William "Dell" Parker
  • KaDee Strickland
    KaDee Strickland
    Katherine Dee "KaDee" Strickland is an American actress currently known for her role as Charlotte King on the ABC drama Private Practice....

     as Charlotte King

Guest Starring

  • Billy Dee Williams
    Billy Dee Williams
    William December "Billy Dee" Williams, Jr. is an American actor, artist, singer, and writer.-Early life:Williams was born in New York City, New York, the son of Loretta...

     as Henry
  • Alexis Denisof
    Alexis Denisof
    Alexis Denisof is an American actor who is known for playing Wesley Wyndam-Pryce in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off Angel.-Early life:...

     as Daniel
  • Alexandra Holden
    Alexandra Holden
    -Life and career:Holden was born in Northfield, Minnesota, the daughter of Kristi and Barry Holden. She played film roles in Drop Dead Gorgeous as Mary Johanson and in Sugar & Spice as Fern Rogers. She also starred in the low budget slasher film Wishcraft.Holden has also had roles in TV and music...

     as Laura
  • Bess Wohl as Amy
  • Kim Hamilton as Frances
  • John Eddins as Officer Leslie Davis
  • David Sutcliffe
    David Sutcliffe
    David Sutcliffe is a Canadian actor. He is best known for playing Christopher Hayden, Rory Gilmore's father and Lorelai Gilmore's on-and-off boyfriend, on the CW show Gilmore Girls....

    as Officer Kevin Nelson
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