Setiabudi is a subdistrict
Subdistricts of Indonesia
In Indonesia, a kecamatan or district is a subdivision of a regency or of a city . A district is itself divided into kelurahan or administrative villages....

 in South Jakarta
South Jakarta
South Jakarta is a city within Jakarta Special District, Indonesia. It had a population of 2,057,080 at the 2010 Census, and is the third most populous among the five cities of Jakarta, after East Jakarta and West Jakarta...

, one of the five administrative cities which forms the Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...

 Capital Region, Indonesia
Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 13,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an...

. The Golden Triangle of Jakarta , a term used to describe a triangular area of business and commercial establishments in Jakarta, is located in Setiabudi Subdistrict.

Setiabudi Subdistrict is bounded by Cideng River - Menteng Pulo Road - a water channel to the east, a flood channel to the north, Jend. Sudirman main road to the west, and Jend. Gatot Subroto main road to the south.

It is named after Indonesian National heroes of Indo descent, Ernest Douwes Dekker
Ernest Douwes Dekker
Ernest François Eugène Douwes Dekker was an Indonesian freedom fighter and politician of Indo descent. He was related to the famous Dutch writer, Multatuli, whose real name was Eduard Douwes Dekker. In his youth, he took part in the Second Boer War in South Africa on the Boer side...

, also known as Danudirdja Setiabudi.

Golden Triangle of Jakarta

The Golden Triangle of Jakarta , a term used to describe a triangular area of business and commercial establishments, is located in Setiabudi Subdistrict. The area is bordered by three main roads of HR Rasuna Said, Jend. Sudirman, and Jend. Gatot Subroto. Not all buildings in the Golden Triangle of Jakarta is located in Setiabudi Subdistrict: the buildings on the west side of Jend. Sudirman main road belong to Karet Tengsin Kelurahan in Tanah Abang
Tanah Abang
Tanah Abang is a subdistrict of Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The subdistrict hosts the biggest textile market in Southeast Asia, Tanah Abang Market...

 Subdistrict, while the buildings on the south side of the Jend. Gatot Subroto main road belong to Kuningan Barat Kelurahan in Mampang Prapatan
Mampang Prapatan
Mampang Prapatan is a subdistrict of South Jakarta, one of the five administrative cities which forms the special capital region of Jakarta, Indonesia. The expatriate residential area of Bangka and Kemang, known for its annual Kemang Festival, is located in Mampang Prapatan Subdistrict...


The 2003 JW Marriott hotel bombing, the 2004 Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta, and the 2009 JW Marriott - Ritz-Carlton bombings
2009 Jakarta bombings
At around 7:50 am local time on 17 July 2009, the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton Hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia, were hit by separate bombings five minutes apart. Three of the seven victims who were killed were Australians, two from The Netherlands, and one each from New Zealand and Indonesia. More...

 occurred within the Golden Triangle.

Kelurahan (Administrative Village)

Setiabudi Subdistrict is divided into eight kelurahan or administrative villages:
  • Setiabudi - area code 12910
  • Karet - area code 12920
  • Karet Semanggi - area code 12930
  • Karet Kuningan - area code 12940
  • Kuningan Timur - area code 12950
  • Menteng Atas - area code 12960
  • Pasar Manggis - area code 12970
  • Guntur - area code 12980

List of important places

  • Mega Kuningan Central Business District
  • Menteng Pulo Cemetery
  • Pasar Rumput Market
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