Seven Seasons of Buffy
Seven Seasons of Buffy is an academic publication relating to the fictional Buffyverse
established by the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
The Buffyverse, also known as the Whedonverse or Slayerverse , is the shared fictional universe in which the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are set. This term, originally coined by fans of the TV series, has since been used in the titles of published works, and adopted by Joss...
established by the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Angel (TV series)
Angel is an American television series, a spin-off of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The series was created by Buffys creator, Joss Whedon, in collaboration with David Greenwalt, and first aired on October 5, 1999...
Book description and contents
A batch of essays from science-fiction and fantasy writers that examine the show's scope, the growth of its characters, and the effect it had on its fans.Chapter | Title | Author |
"Taste Our Steel" | Drew Goddard |
"Buffy vs. the Old-Fashioned 'Hero'" | Brin, David |
"Is That Your Final Answer ...?" | Conrad, Roxanne Longstreet |
"Sex and the Single Slayer" | Kilpatrick, Nancy |
"The Search for Spike's Balls" | Kenyon, Sherrilyn |
"Skin Pale as Apple Blossom" | Aloi, Peg |
"Lions, Gazelles and Buffy" | Yarbro, Chelsea |
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ambivalent" | Resnick, Laura |
"For the Love of Riley" | West, Michelle |
"A Buffy Confession" | Larbalestier, Justine |
"Dating Death" | Crusie, Jennifer |
"The Meaning of Buffy" | Krause, Marguerite |
"When Did the Scoobies Become Insiders?" | Zettel, Sarah |
"A Reflection on Ugliness" | Harris, Charlaine |
"Power of Becoming" | Lichtenberg, Jacqueline |
"Unseen Horrors & Shadowy Manipulations" | Murphy, Kevin Andrew |
"Sex in the Suburbs" | Montgomery, Carla |
"Where's the Religion in Willow's Wicca?" | Golden, Christie |
"Love Saves the World" | Lorrah, Jean |
"A World Without Shrimp" | Carter, Margaret L. |
"Matchmaking on the Hellmouth" | Watt-Evans, Lawrence |
"Slayers of the Last Arc" | Holder, Nancy |