Sexual Attitude Reassessment
A Sexual Attitude Reassessment, sometimes Sexual Attitude Restructuring, (SAR) seminar is a process-oriented, structured group experience to promote participants' awareness of their attitudes and values related to sexuality, and to assist them in understanding how these attitudes and values affect them professionally and personally. Since the primary purpose of a SAR is the examination of attitudes and values, it is not a traditional academic experience designed to disseminate cognitive information, nor is it psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is a general term referring to any form of therapeutic interaction or treatment contracted between a trained professional and a client or patient; family, couple or group...

 directed toward the resolution of personal problems.

A SAR provides an opportunity for participants to explore and understand their beliefs, attitudes, values and biases within the realm of sex and sexuality. This self-exploration and self-understanding facilitates comfort that ultimately fosters improved communication skills, both on a professional and a personal level.

By becoming increasingly aware of their perceptions, beliefs, and feelings, participants become increasingly comfortable with the wide variation of existing sexual attitudes, behaviours, practices, and even sub-cultures. This comfort is necessary for sexual health professionals, and is also beneficial for individuals striving for personal growth and the development of healthy personal relationships.

During a SAR, participants examine sexuality
Human sexuality
Human sexuality is the awareness of gender differences, and the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses. Human sexuality can also be described as the way someone is sexually attracted to another person whether it is to opposite sexes , to the same sex , to either sexes , or not being...

 and sexual attitudes from numerous perspectives using a variety of images. The nature of a SAR requires that some of the media be explicit. The use of explicit media is necessary for increasing self-awareness
Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals...

 and personal comfort with the many areas of sex and sexuality. In addition to the personal growth, the event involves small group discussions during which participants are challenged with the opportunity to practice their professional or interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills are sometimes also referred to as people skills or communication skills. Interpersonal skills involve using skills such as active listening and tone of voice, this include delegation and leadership...

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