Shatsky is a Russian family name
Family name
A family name is a type of surname and part of a person's name indicating the family to which the person belongs. The use of family names is widespread in cultures around the world...

, with literal meaning "of Shatsk
Shatsk, Russia
Shatsk is a town and the administrative center of Shatsky District of Ryazan Oblast, Russia, located on the Shacha River southeast of Ryazan. Population:...

  • Stanislav Shatsky
    Stanislav Shatsky
    Stanislav Shatskii was an important late Tsarist and early Soviet humanistic educator, writer, and educational administrator....

    , late tsarist and early Soviet humanistic educator, writer, and educational administrator.
  • Nikolay Shatsky
    Nikolay Shatsky
    Nikolay Sergeyevich Shatsky was a Soviet geologist, an expert in tectonics of ancient platforms...

    , Soviet geologist
  • Igor Shatsky, a member of Russian band Boa
    BOA (band)
    BOA is a Croatian music group, which was especially prominent during the 1980s around the former SFR Yugoslavia.-History:The band's early history started in Zagreb, then SR Croatia in 1974, when its founding members Mladen Puljiz and Slavko Remenarić, switched their interest from classical music to...

See also: Schatzki, Schatzky
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