Shirl Ravenlock
Shirl Ravenlock is a fictional character from Terry Brooks
Terry Brooks
Terence Dean "Terry" Brooks is an American writer of fantasy fiction. He writes mainly epic fantasy, and has also written two movie novelizations. He has written 23 New York Times bestsellers during his writing career, and has over 21 million copies of his books in print...

' best selling Sword of Shannara fantasy novel. Shirl is the daughter of the ruler of the city of Kern though she seems reluctant to consider herself a 'princess'. Shirl is drugged and abducted by a villain in the story and unwittingly rescued by the hero Menion Leah who mistakes her for someone else.

Shirl later joins Menion and his companions on their journey to defend the city of Tyrsis against the advancing armies of the Warlock Lord. She also figures into a subplot involving the current ruler of Tyrsis, Prince Palance, who is smitten with her.

Shirl later comforts Menion over his guilt for not being able to protect his friend Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford is a fictional character and the protagonist of Terry Brooks' epic fantasy novel The Sword of Shannara. In the universe, he is the last known person with the blood of Jerle Shannara, making him the only one who can wield the powerful Sword of Shannara to vanquish the Warlock Lord.-...

. She also admits to him that she has fallen in love with him. Sometime after the war, Menion and Shirl marry.

Shirl's role in the novel does not escape that of a stereotypical 'cringing maiden' at any point. Brooks seems to address this issue by including much more capable - and relevant - female characters in his subsequent works, most notably The Elfstones of Shannara
The Elfstones of Shannara
The Elfstones of Shannara is an epic fantasy novel by Terry Brooks. It is the first sequel to The Sword of Shannara and the second book in The Original Shannara Trilogy...

 and the The Wishsong of Shannara
The Wishsong of Shannara
The Wishsong of Shannara, an epic fantasy novel by Terry Brooks, is the third and final novel in the Original Shannara Trilogy, with the other two being The Sword of Shannara and The Elfstones of Shannara. The story revolves around Jair and Brin Ohmsford, the children of the main characters from...


Brooks also makes note at the end of First King of Shannara
First King of Shannara
The First King of Shannara is a 1996 epic fantasy novel by Terry Brooks. It is a prequel to Brooks' The Sword of Shannara and is set during the Second War of the Races...

, that Shirl is the descendant of Kinson Ravenlock and Mareth.
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