Shougo Sakamoto
is a Japanese actor and entertainer. He is best known for his role as the main protagonist Ryoma Echizen
of the fourth generation Seigaku cast in The Prince of Tennis
musical series, Tenimyu
Tenimyu: The Prince of Tennis Musical Series (as Ryoma Echizen)
Ryoma Echizen
is a fictional character and the protagonist of the manga and anime series The Prince of Tennis created by Takeshi Konomi. In the series, Ryoma is portrayed as a twelve-year-old tennis prodigy who won four consecutive Junior Tennis Tournaments in America. His father is Nanjiro Echizen, a former...
of the fourth generation Seigaku cast in The Prince of Tennis
The Prince of Tennis
is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Takeshi Konomi. The title is often shortened to , a portmanteau of the two parts in the Japanese pronunciation of the words "Tennis Prince". The manga was first published in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in July 1999, and ended...
musical series, Tenimyu
The Prince of Tennis Musical , also known as "TeniPuri Musical," "Tenimyu," or "GekiPuri" , is a series of live action stage musicals directed by Yukio Ueshima based on manga series The Prince of Tennis created by Takeshi Konomi and serialized by Shueisha in Weekly Shonen Jump.The first musical...
- Koisuru Nichiyōbi: Sotsugyō - Haru no Uso [part of "Koisuru Nichiyōbi" drama, also known as "Love on Sunday"] (BS-i, 2007) as Yuki Tatsuki
- Obanzai! (TBS, 2007) as Momotarō Hanazono
- Aibō 8 (TV Asahi, 2009) as Murakoshi (Guest, Episode 6)
- Sunao ni Narenakute (Fuji TV, 2010) as Kenta Matsushima
- Hammer Session! (TBS, 2010) as Kenta Nojima
- Gou ~Himetachi no Sengoku (NHK TV, 2011) as Mori Rikimaru
- KuroshitsujiKuroshitsujiis a manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. Since its debut on September 16, 2006, it has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy....
The Musical as Ciel Phantomhive (2009)
Tenimyu: The Prince of Tennis Musical Series (as Ryoma Echizen)
- The Prince of Tennis Musical: The Progressive Match Higa Chuu feat. Rikkai (in winter of 2007-2008)
- The Prince of Tennis Musical: Dream Live 5th (2008)
- The Prince of Tennis Musical: The Imperial Presence Hyotei Gakuen feat. Higa Chuu (2008)
- The Prince of Tennis Musical: The Treasure Match Shitenhōji feat. Hyotei Gakuen (2008–2009)
- The Prince of Tennis Musical: Dream Live 6th (2009)
- Shinchōsha [Nicola]
- Junon April edition (Feb. 23, 2010)
- Good Come Vol. 14 (March 2, 2010)
- Visualboy Brush Vol. 7 (March 24, 2010)
- Cool-up Vol. 28 (March 27, 2010)
- Emugura Vol. 5 (31 March 2010)
- Junon April edition (23 February 2010)
- The Television Weekly- Released May 19
- Junon July edition - Released May 22
- Good Come Vol.15 - released June 2
- Cast-Prix Zero Vol.11 - Released on June 3
- Gyao Magazine July on edition - Released June 4
- Cutie July edition- Released June 12