Shri Guru Ravidass Jayanti
The birthday of Guru Ravidas
Guru Ravidas
Guru Ravidas was a North Indian Sant mystic of the bhakti movement who was active in the 15th century CE. Venerated in the region of Uttar Pradesh as well as the Indian state of Maharashtra, his devotional songs and verses made a lasting impact upon the bhakti movement...

 on February 16 is celebrated as Ravidas Jayanti every year. It is the annual focal point for Ravidasis. On the day there is an Akhand Path read, the Nishan Sahib is changed ceremonially, and there is a special Aarti
Aarti , also spelled arathi, aarthi is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a form of puja, in which light from wicks soaked in ghee or camphor is offered to one or more deities...

 and a Nagar Kirtan procession bearing his portrait are taken out to the accompaniment of music through the streets of the temple locality. In Gurdehera
Gurdehera , properly called a Gurdwara Sahib, is the place of worship within the Ravidasi religion.It is not obligatory to cover one's hair or remove the shoes when entering, but many do so due to the influence of Sikh practices within the Punjabi Ravidasi community.Outside a Gurdehera there is...

s, his image is worshipped.
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