Shuichi Kato (politician)
is a Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

ese politician
A politician, political leader, or political figure is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making...

 of the New Komeito Party
New Komeito Party
The , New Kōmei Party, or NKP is a centre-right political party in Japan founded by members of the Nichiren Buddhist organization Sōka Gakkai. The leadership and financing of the two groups are currently independent...

, a member of the House of Councillors
House of Councillors
The is the upper house of the Diet of Japan. The House of Representatives is the lower house. The House of Councillors is the successor to the pre-war House of Peers. If the two houses disagree on matters of the budget, treaties, or designation of the prime minister, the House of Representatives...

 in the Diet
Diet of Japan
The is Japan's bicameral legislature. It is composed of a lower house, called the House of Representatives, and an upper house, called the House of Councillors. Both houses of the Diet are directly elected under a parallel voting system. In addition to passing laws, the Diet is formally...

 (national legislature). A native of Tanno, Hokkaidō
Tanno, Hokkaido
was a town located in Tokoro District, Abashiri, Hokkaidō, Japan.As of 2005, the town had an estimated population of 5,425 and a density of 33 persons per km². The total area was 163.50 km²...

, he graduated from Kitami Institute of Technology
Kitami Institute of Technology
is a national university in Kitami, Hokkaidō, Japan. Founded as the Kitami Junior College of Technology on 1 April 1960, it was chartered as a university on 1 April 1966. In 2004, it became part of the National University Corporation....

 and received a Ph.D from Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University is one of the most prestigious universities in Japan. It can be seen in the several rankings such as shown below.-General Rankings:...

. He was elected to the House of Councillors for the first time in 1995 as a member of the New Frontier Party
New Frontier Party
The was a Japanese political party that existed during the mid-1990s. As a merger of several small parties, the party was ideologically diverse, with its membership ranging from moderate socialists to neoliberals and conservatives...


External links

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