Sic Transit Vir
Sic Transit Vir is an episode from the third season of the science-fiction television series Babylon 5
Babylon 5
Babylon 5 is an American science fiction television series created, produced and largely written by J. Michael Straczynski. The show centers on a space station named Babylon 5: a focal point for politics, diplomacy, and conflict during the years 2257–2262...

. It is a Latin
Latin is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. It, along with most European languages, is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. Although it is considered a dead language, a number of scholars and members of the Christian clergy speak it fluently, and...

 phrase which translates as "thus passes Vir," but since the Latin word [vir] literally means "man," it might be read as "so goes man."


Vir Cotto
Vir Cotto is a character from the fictional Babylon 5 universe, played on screen by Stephen Furst. He is a Centauri male who was from a family of minor nobility, who would eventually become the Centauri Ambassador to Babylon 5, and then became the Emperor of the Centauri Republic in 2278.Vir Cotto...

's fiancee from an arranged marriage arrives at Babylon 5.
Vir's "work" through his diplomatic office on Minbar is uncovered.

The episode opens with Ivanova
Susan Ivanova
Susan Ivanova is a fictional character in the science fiction television series Babylon 5, played by Claudia Christian.-Character overview:...

 having one of a sequence of dreams, this one where she stands in C&C naked. She confides to Captain Sheridan
John Sheridan (Babylon 5)
John J. Sheridan is a lead character in the fictional universe of the science-fiction television series Babylon 5, played by Bruce Boxleitner. For most of the series, he is the commander of the Babylon 5 station; during the series' final season he is the President of the Interstellar...

 about having odd dreams, without mentioning any details. He consoles her that it could be worse – she could be dreaming of being in C&C naked.

Vir is meeting with a royal councilor elsewhere, whilst a collection of Narn
The Narn are a fictional alien race in the universe of the Babylon 5 television series. Their homeworld is also called Narn.-Homeworld:Narn is the homeworld of the Narn and the Narn Regime. Its day is 31 hours long. Prior to the Centauri's first invasion, Narn was a healthy green planet. Now it...

s lurk in his own room.

Londo is attempting to exterminate a rather large bug that has got into his quarters. A beautiful young Centauri
Centauri (Babylon 5)
The Centauri are a humanoid species in the fictional universe of the Babylon 5 television series. They were the first alien species to make open contact with the human race. Their homeworld is Centauri Prime, a small Earth-like planet consisting of two large continents and several smaller islands...

, Lyndisty, enters his room. When Vir arrives, Londo introduces her to him: she is Vir's arranged bride.

Meanwhile Zack Allen reports to Ivanova that a suspicious number of Narn have been passing through the station, all with papers purportedly signed by a Centauri bureaucrat "Abrahamo Lincolni", an identity shown to have been invented by Vir.

Separately, Sheridan has invited Delenn
Delenn is a fictional lead character in the universe of the science fiction television series Babylon 5, played by Mira Furlan.-Overview:Delenn, an alien ambassador and leader from the planet Minbar, is one of the pivotal characters in Babylon 5....

 to his quarters for an evening meal. He has prepared flarn, but apparently his cooking leaves something to be desired; Delenn politely eats it, distracting Sheridan by talking about a picture on his wall, and then heavily seasoning it to render it (somewhat) edible.

Ivanova calls in Vir for questioning; in return he questions her on how best to approach his new bride.

A Narn then shouts "murderer" as he appears to lunge at Vir, who shelters his fiancée. Only the timely intervention of Sheridan then security saves them. The Narn shouted a blood oath before he was killed, and Sheridan wonders why anyone would have a blood oath against someone as gentle as Vir.

Sheridan and Delenn, as she helps him to do up his jacket (he has difficulty due to the injury he received to his arm whilst defending Vir from the attack of the Narn), are about to kiss as Ivanova interrupts summoning him to Londo's quarters, with news that every last Narn prisoner transferred by Vir is now listed as dead. Londo is surprised and very pleased to learn of his apprentice's personal contribution to the pacification of the Narn homeworld. Vir, intensely discomfited, finally confesses he has been forging death certificates to smuggle live Narns away from the reach of the Centauri.

Vir returns to his room to find his bride demurely guarding a bound, gagged Narn on the floor. She proudly offers over the prisoner to Vir, for him to kill. She has no regard for Narn life, proudly mentioning how she accompanied her father on Narn culling, and has personally knifed hundreds of Narn. The captured Narn is revealed to be the pouch brother of the earlier attacker; they were the only survivors from a village massacred by Lyndisty and her father. Vir is horrified; his reaction genuinely puzzles Lyndisty, yet her affection for Vir is genuine.

Londo, deeply disappointed at Vir's aiding the enemy, terminates Vir's position on Minbar and sends Lyndisty back to Centauri Prime while her family reconsiders the position and the potential marriage.

Ivanova uses the tricks that Vir was using to keep the underground railroad going as a way to save more Narns, adding more detail to the fake identity of "Abrahamo Lincolni", including a doctored photo of Sheridan as a Centauri.

Vir and Lyndisty say goodbye, each thinking the other is odd, but that in time the other's views will soften.

Arc significance

  • The Centauri are trying to pacify the conquered Narn homeworld.
  • Vir has been running an underground railroad to rescue Narns from the Centauri.
  • Ivanova takes over Vir's underground railroad.

Production details

  • This is Damian London's
    Damian London
    Damian London is an American stage and television actor. He is most famous for his role as Virini on the science-fiction show Babylon 5....

    first appearance on the series, but apparently not as the Centauri who will become the Regent after Cartagia's assassination.
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