Sick City
Sick City a 12" maxi
- People :Given name* Maxi Biancucchi , an Argentine footballer who plays for Flamengo* Maxi López , an Argentinian footballer who plays in Europe* Maxi Rodríguez , an Argentine footballer who plays for Liverpool FC...

 record release of PIG, was released on Potomak
Potomak is an artist record label for the German experimental rock band Einstürzende Neubauten . It was founded by the band's front man Blixa Bargeld in 1988 to support the re-release of the band's Kollaps album on CD format. It also enabled the band to assume ownership of their music and operate...

 in 1989. J. G. Thirlwell
J. G. Thirlwell
James George Thirlwell , aka Clint Ruin, aka Frank Want, aka Foetus, is an Australian vocalist, composer and record producer...

 as well as John Caffery were heavily involved in this record.

Track listing

  1. "Sick City" (Raymond Watts) – 4:58
  2. "Shit For Brains" (Watts) – 6:17
  3. "Peoria" (Watts/J. G. Thirlwell
    J. G. Thirlwell
    James George Thirlwell , aka Clint Ruin, aka Frank Want, aka Foetus, is an Australian vocalist, composer and record producer...

    ) – 7:12


  • Raymond Watts
  • J. G. Thirlwell
  • John Caffery
  • Christian Graupner – programming (2)
  • Achim Mennicken – Wah-guitar (2)
  • Gazzi Twist - editing (2)
  • Roli Mosimann
    Roli Mosimann
    Roli Mosimann is a drummer, electronic musician and record producer who has worked in genres ranging from industrial to pop. Originally from Switzerland, Mosimann first came to attention with the New York City no wave band Swans and later collaborated with Foetus leader J. G...

     - mixing (3)
  • Martin Bisi
    Martin bisi
    Martin Bisi is an American producer and songwriter.He is known for recording important records by Sonic Youth, Swans, John Zorn, Material, Bill Laswell, Helmet, Unsane, Cop Shoot Cop, White Zombie, Boredoms, Angels of Light and Herbie Hancock's Grammy-winning song Rockit,In 1979, Martin Bisi...

     - editing (3)
  • Mike Matthews - artwork
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