Sidabrinė gervė 2010
Sidabrinė gervė
Sidabrinė gervė
Sidabrinė gervė - Lithuanian film industry awards for best actors, directors and films. Awards presented by AVAKA .The award statuette was created by Audrius Liaudanskas.- 2008 ceremony :...

was 3rd film award ceremony established by Lithuanian Cinema Academy. Show was held in capital city of Vilnius
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, with a population of 560,190 as of 2010. It is the seat of the Vilnius city municipality and of the Vilnius district municipality. It is also the capital of Vilnius County...

 on 28 May, 2010.


In commission which selected winners was 7 members.
  • Gražina Arlickaitė, humanitarian sciences doctor, European Cinema Academy member
  • Arūnas Matelis
    Arunas Matelis
    Arūnas Matelis is an acclaimed Lithuanian documentary film director. From 1979 till 1983 Arūnas Matelis studied Mathematics at Vilnius University and later in 1989 graduated from the Lithuanian Music Academy. In 1992, he established one of the first independent film production companies in...

     – directors, European Cinema Academy member, winner of Lithuanian National Prize
    Lithuanian National Prize
    The Lithuanian National Prize , established in 1989, is an award granted for achievements in culture and the arts. It has been awarded annually in six categories since 2006...

  • Živilė Pipinytė – cinema critic
  • Rasa Paukštytė – cinema critic
  • Viktoras Radzevičius – operator, international film festivals wiiner *
  • Ignas Miškinis –cinema and TV directors, „Sidabrinės gervė“ past winner
  • Gintaras Sodeika
    Gintaras Sodeika
    Gintaras Sodeika is a Lithuanian painter, composer and politician.From 2003 to 2008, Sodeika was the Lithuanian Vice-Minister for Culture.-External links:*...

     – compositor, „Auksinis kryžius“ winner.

Best film

  • Zero II (by Emilis Vėlyvis)
  • Atsisveikinimas (by Tomas Donela)
  • Eurazijos aborigenas (by Šarūnas Bartas
    Šarunas Bartas
    Šarūnas Bartas is a Lithuanian film director. One of the most prominent Lithuanian film directors internationally from the late 20th century...


Best short film

  • Lernavan
    Lernavan is a town in the Lori Province of Armenia.- References :* –

     (by Marat Sargsyan)
  • Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek... (by Lina Lužytė)
  • Aš tave žinau (by Dovilė Šarutytė)

Best documentary film

  • Šarūnas Bartas - vienas lauke karys (by Guillaume Coudray)
  • Upė
    UPE can refer to:* The United People of Earth* Universal Primary Education* The Unix Programming Environment* Upsilon Pi Epsilon* UPE Beam* Universidade de Pernambuco* University of Port Elizabeth...

     (by Julija Gruodienė, Rimantas Gruodis)
  • Tikras garsas Valstybės atgimimo 1989-1993 (by Domantas Vildžiūnas)

Best TV film

  • Naisių vasara (by Saulius Balandis)
  • Svetimi (by Sigitas Račkys)
  • Amžini jausmai (by Alvydas Šlepikas)

Best animated film

  • Luce
    - Places :* Luče, a town in Slovenia* Luce, California, former town in Butte County* Luce Bay, a large Bay in Wigtownshire in southern Scotland* Luce County, Michigan, a county in the U.S...

     (by Rasa Joni)
  • Tiulis (by Darius Jaruševičius, Ina Šilina)
  • Lietuvių vardas (by Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė)

Best director

  • Šarūnas Bartas
    Šarunas Bartas
    Šarūnas Bartas is a Lithuanian film director. One of the most prominent Lithuanian film directors internationally from the late 20th century...

  • Emilis Vėlyvis
  • Julija Gruodienė and Rimantas Gruodis

Best male actor

  • Ramūnas Rudokas and Kęstutis Jakštas ("Zero II")
  • Dainius Kazlauskas ("Atsisveikinimas")
  • Juozas Budraitis
    Juozas Budraitis
    Juozas Budraitis is a Soviet and Lithuanian actor. He has appeared in 67 films and television shows since 1966. He starred in the Soviet film Wounded Game, which was entered into the 1977 Cannes Film Festival.-Selected filmography:...

     ("Tėve mūsų")

Best female actor

  • Klavdija Koršunova ("Eurazijos aborigenas")
  • Julija Steponaitytė ("Aš tave žinau")
  • Gabija Ryškuvienė ("Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek...")

Best supporting actor male

  • Albinas Keleris ("Atsisveikinimas")
  • Marius Repšys ("Bergenas")
  • Petras Lisauskas ("Stiklainis uogienės")

Best supporting actor female

  • Rimantė Valiukaitė
    Rimantė Valiukaitė
    - Cinema :* 2002 - Warrior Angels* 2003 - Special Forces* 2004 - The Keeper of Time* 2007 - 42* 2008 - Defiance* 2010 - Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek...- TV :*2001 - ? Gedimino 11*2002 - ? Pagauk kampą*2007 - ? Nekviesta meilė*2009 - 2011 Dar pažiūrėsim...

     ('Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek...")
  • Dalia Storyk ("Atsisveikinimas")
  • Inga Jankauskaitė
    Inga Jankauskaite
    Inga Jankauskaitė is a Lithuanian actress, singer, and piano player.Jankauskaitė was as a radio DJ at radio stations Kauno fonas and Ultra vires. After graduation from the Juozas Naujalis Music Academy in 1997, she studied at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre from 1999–2002 and...

     ("Zero II")

Best scenario

  • Dovilė Šarutytė ("Aš tave žinau")
  • Lina Lužytė ("Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek...")
  • Emilis Vėlyvis, Jonas Banys, Aidas Puklevičius ("Zero II")

Best operator

  • Feliksas Abrukauskas ("Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek...", "Gerumo sparnai")
  • Vilius Mačiulskis ("Lernavan")
  • Linas Dabriška ("Laisvas kritimas")

Best compositor

  • Kipras Mašanauskas ("Atsisveikinimas")
  • Happyendless
    Happyendless is a Lithuanian New Wave, Rock and Electronica band formed in Vilnius. In 2007 the band released their "Power Forever" single and became one of the most popular bands in Lithuania.- Band members :* Saulius Prūsaitis...

     ("Zero II")
  • Rokas Eltermanas ("Laisvas kritimas")

Best student film

  • Sinchronizacija (by Rimas Sakalauskas)
  • Bomba
    Bomba is one of the traditional musical styles of Puerto Rico. it is a largely African-derived music. The rhythm and beat are played by a set of floor drums, cuá and a maraca. Dance is an integral part of the music: the dancers move their bodies to every beat of the drum, making bomba a very...

     (by Saulius Leonavičius)
  • Kryžiažodis (by Ieva Veiverytė)

Special award

"Auksinė gervė" (golden crane) of merits for Lithuanian cinema:
  • Arūnas Žebriūnas (director)

External links

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