Simoun (mecha)
are fictional aircraft featured in the eponymous anime series
Simoun (anime)
is a Japanese anime television series that was broadcast in Japan in 2006. It ran for 26 weekly episodes from 3 April to 25 September.A manga adaptation was published in three issues of Comic Yuri Hime. The manga shared the same characters and setting as the anime, but presented a different storyline...

 by Studio Deen
Studio DEEN
is a Japanese company that produces anime. Three years after Sunrise was founded in 1972, Studio Deen was established by Sunrise's members in 1975. As a result of this, anime shows such as Cowboy Bebop that were produced by Sunrise may have had assistance from Studio Deen.-Produced anime:* Urusei...

 and its manga adaptations. The Simoun are considered sacred objects in the Tempus Spatium faith because of their ability to conjure powerful magical
Magic (paranormal)
Magic is the claimed art of manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of occult laws unknown to science. It is in contrast to science, in that science does not accept anything not subject to either direct or indirect observation, and subject to logical...

 spells known as Ri Mājons by flying in predefined patterns in the air.


Simoun are two-seat aircraft with separate cockpit
A cockpit or flight deck is the area, usually near the front of an aircraft, from which a pilot controls the aircraft. Most modern cockpits are enclosed, except on some small aircraft, and cockpits on large airliners are also physically separated from the cabin...

s for the primary pilot
An aviator is a person who flies an aircraft. The first recorded use of the term was in 1887, as a variation of 'aviation', from the Latin avis , coined in 1863 by G. de la Landelle in Aviation Ou Navigation Aérienne...

Auriga (slave)
In Ancient Rome, the Auriga was a slave whose duty was to drive a biga, the light vehicle powered by two horses, to transport some important Romans, mainly Duces ; it was then a sort of chauffeur for important men, and was carefully selected among trustworthy slaves only.It has been supposed also...

) and the navigator
Flight officer
The title flight officer was a military rank used by the United States Armed Forces where it was an air force warrant officer rank. It was also an air force rank in several Commonwealth nations where it was used for female officers and was equivalent to the rank of flight lieutenant...

Sagitta is a constellation. Its name is Latin for "arrow", and it should not be confused with the larger constellation Sagittarius, the archer. Although ancient, it is insignificant, for it has no star brighter than the 4th magnitude and is the third smallest of all constellations...

), who is also in charge of weapon
A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used with the aim of causing damage or harm to living beings or artificial structures or systems...

ry and other accessories in combat. The auriga's cockpit is located in the forward part of the machine, and the sagitta's is situated behind and above, so that both have a clear view above and in front of them. A large green
Green is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 520–570 nanometres. In the subtractive color system, it is not a primary color, but is created out of a mixture of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; it is considered...

A gemstone or gem is a piece of mineral, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments...

, instrumental for conjuring the Ri Mājons, and sometimes referred simply as the Simoun Gem, is located between the two cockpits, easily accessible by both pilots when the canopies
Canopy (aircraft)
An aircraft canopy is the transparent enclosure over the cockpit of some types of aircraft. The function of the canopy is to provide a weatherproof and reasonably quiet environment for the aircraft's occupants. The canopy will be as aerodynamically shaped as possible to minimize drag.-History:Very...

 are open.

Simoun are propelled by two , a technology monopolized by the state of Simulacrum, although even Simulacrum's technicians barely understand its principles. For example, one of their theories states that one rotor controls the Simoun's position in space
Space is the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum...

, and the other affects the flow of time
Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects....

. If needed, a Simoun can be equipped with large-caliber minigun
The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel heavy machine gun with a high rate of fire , employing Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source...

s and/or special container pods for transporting and deploying a number of ground troops
Infantrymen are soldiers who are specifically trained for the role of fighting on foot to engage the enemy face to face and have historically borne the brunt of the casualties of combat in wars. As the oldest branch of combat arms, they are the backbone of armies...


When grounded, both Simoun's helical motors (which appear as large rotating wheel
A wheel is a device that allows heavy objects to be moved easily through rotating on an axle through its center, facilitating movement or transportation while supporting a load, or performing labor in machines. Common examples found in transport applications. A wheel, together with an axle,...

s) align to a horizontal
Horizontal plane
In geometry, physics, astronomy, geography, and related sciences, a plane is said to be horizontal at a given point if it is perpendicular to the gradient of the gravity field at that point— in other words, if apparent gravity makes a plumb bob hang perpendicular to the plane at that point.In...

 position relative to the ground, so that they can be easier accessed by pilots and maintenance
Maintenance, Repair and Operations
Maintenance, repair, and operations or maintenance, repair, and overhaul involves fixing any sort of mechanical or electrical device should it become out of order or broken...

 technicians. During the take-off, however, the rotors align themselves vertically
Vertical direction
In astronomy, geography, geometry and related sciences and contexts, a direction passing by a given point is said to be vertical if it is locally aligned with the gradient of the gravity field, i.e., with the direction of the gravitational force at that point...

 and remain so until landing
thumb|A [[Mute Swan]] alighting. Note the ruffled feathers on top of the wings indicate that the swan is flying at the [[Stall |stall]]ing speed...

 (helical motor tilt system).

Both Simoun and Simile have also got a deceleration and shock absorption
Shock absorber
A shock absorber is a mechanical device designed to smooth out or damp shock impulse, and dissipate kinetic energy. It is a type of dashpot.-Nomenclature:...

 system (inertia canceler) powered by the helical motors, since normally the Simoun are not equipped with seat belt
Seat belt
A seat belt or seatbelt, sometimes called a safety belt, is a safety harness designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result from a collision or a sudden stop...

s or helmet
A helmet is a form of protective gear worn on the head to protect it from injuries.Ceremonial or symbolic helmets without protective function are sometimes used. The oldest known use of helmets was by Assyrian soldiers in 900BC, who wore thick leather or bronze helmets to protect the head from...

s for the pilots. The design of Simoun also denies the possibility of quick evacuation for pilots, since it does not foresee ejector seat
Ejector seat
In aircraft, an ejection seat is a system designed to rescue the pilot or other crew of an aircraft in an emergency. In most designs, the seat is propelled out of the aircraft by an explosive charge or rocket motor, carrying the pilot with it. The concept of an eject-able escape capsule has also...

s or parachute
A parachute is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag, or in the case of ram-air parachutes, aerodynamic lift. Parachutes are usually made out of light, strong cloth, originally silk, now most commonly nylon...

s. However, if not critically hit and the altitude is low, a Simoun can pull off a soft emergency landing
Emergency landing
An emergency landing is a landing made by an aircraft in response to a crisis which either interferes with the operation of the aircraft or involves sudden medical emergencies necessitating diversion to the nearest airport.-Types of emergency landings:...

 with the remaining helical motor lift
Lift (force)
A fluid flowing past the surface of a body exerts a surface force on it. Lift is the component of this force that is perpendicular to the oncoming flow direction. It contrasts with the drag force, which is the component of the surface force parallel to the flow direction...

 (similar to autorotation
In aviation, autorotation refers to processes in both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. The term means significantly different things in each context....

 principle in helicopter
A helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by one or more engine-driven rotors. This allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and to fly forwards, backwards, and laterally...



A Simoun requires two pilots to lift-off
Takeoff is the phase of flight in which an aerospace vehicle goes from the ground to flying in the air.For horizontal takeoff aircraft this usually involves starting with a transition from moving along the ground on a runway. For balloons, helicopters and some specialized fixed-wing aircraft , no...

 and steer in the air and, moreover, both of them must have not yet chosen their permanent sex (see the background for explanation), since having done so permanently disqualifies a person from further piloting. Because of its sacred status in Simulacrum, only young priestesses of the Tempus Spatium faith are recruited as Simoun pilots and granted the title .

Although the Simoun are considered the most effective and maneuverable aircraft in the world, their main purpose lies within the Ri Mājons, since the only way to call forth their powers is by "drawing" certain patterns with the Simoun Gem in the air. This process is referred as "Praying to the Sky" by the Sybillae and was initially thought to be their only purpose and goal as priestesses.

Before a Simoun can move, its Simoun Gem must be activated by a simultaneous kiss
A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another person or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good...

 by both pilots, shortly after they have kissed one another. The routine take-off procedure includes activating the Simoun Gem beforehand. However, the Gem can as well be "charged up" in midair by this ritual. Apparently, all Gems of a particular Simoun unit or are linked, since after the chor leader, , announces a Ri Mājon involving more than one Simoun, its pattern is immediately displayed within each Simoun Gem of the chor as necessary.

Notably, aside from the instant Ri Mājon pattern transmission via Simoun Gems, the Simoun do not have any other means of wireless communication, unlike Argentine heavy fighter
Heavy fighter
A heavy fighter is a fighter aircraft designed to carry heavier weapons or operate at longer ranges. To achieve acceptable performance, most heavy fighters were twin-engined, and many had multi-place crews....

s, for example. The Simoun must therefore use an extendable communication wire
A wire is a single, usually cylindrical, flexible strand or rod of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical loads and to carry electricity and telecommunications signals. Wire is commonly formed by drawing the metal through a hole in a die or draw plate. Standard sizes are determined by various...

 with a magnet
A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets.A permanent magnet is an object...

 (or a suction cup
Suction cup
A suction cup, also sometimes known as a sucker is an object that uses negative fluid pressure of air or water to adhere to nonporous surfaces. They exist both as artificially created devices, and as anatomical traits of some animals such as octopi and squid.The working face of the suction cup has...

, which is not clear) at the other end that, after having been ejected from a Simoun's stub "wings", can attach itself to another Simoun and transmit sound
Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations.-Propagation of...

s from their cockpits in both directions. After the communication session is over, the wire is pulled back inside the Simoun.

Ri Mājons

Simoun Sibyllae believe that the Ri Mājons are, in reality, the language
Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication...

 spoken by the deity
A deity is a recognized preternatural or supernatural immortal being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred, held in high regard, and respected by believers....

 known as whom they worship and that replicating these patterns in the air calls forth the power of their God. To an observer, Ri Mājons appear as enormous luminous glyph
A glyph is an element of writing: an individual mark on a written medium that contributes to the meaning of what is written. A glyph is made up of one or more graphemes....

s in the sky, which, once completed, conjure magical effects of tremendous power. The most complex patterns require six Simoun vehicles to summon and each has its own name and purpose, be it a combat, a ceremonial or a diplomatic one. Originally, the institution of the Sibyllae was created to test out and restore the meanings of various Ri Mājon patterns lost in history.
The following Ri Mājons have been described or performed in the anime series:
is an ancient Ri Mājon that is used by a choir to send off comrades. Like other diplomatic Ri Mājons, this has no known effect other than the flight pattern.Attempted by Rimone and Chor Tempest but failed in Episode 05. It is apparently a combat Ri Mājon that requires four Simouns, but its effects are unknown. is a diplomatic Ri Mājon that reportedly ensures success in diplomatic ceremonies. is a complex pattern that conjures a huge spherical shield with crystal
A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is known as crystallography...

-like facets, capable of covering an entire airborne aircraft carrier
Airborne aircraft carrier
Airborne aircraft carriers are aircraft which can launch other aircraft. These typically are large aircraft that launch fighter-interceptor planes.-Dirigible aircraft carriers:...

 the size of the Arcus Prima. The Simouns can then tow the object contained within the shield in any direction, as long as they keep flying in the correct summon pattern. is among the most complex and ancient known Ri Mājons, also known as "the ultimate miracle". The Sibyllae who do complete it are said to be taken directly to serve at the side of Tempus Spatium. Emerald Ri Mājon was attempted by Chor Tempest in episode 01, but they failed and as a result, the Ri Mājon backfired, killing a navigator. is a funeral
A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. Funerary customs comprise the complex of beliefs and practices used by a culture to remember the dead, from interment itself, to various monuments, prayers, and rituals undertaken in their honor...

 ritual that doesn't have any visible effects other than the flight pattern itself. This is flown in the Simulacrum equivalent of the missing-man formation, and requires only five Simouns rather than six. is a surveillance Ri Mājon, similar to a radar
Radar is an object-detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio...

, that detects hostile aircraft and carriers. is a powerful but relatively simple combat Ri Mājon. It conjures a pillar of destructive energy resembling a small atomic explosion and effectively constitutes the Daikūriku's analogue of tactical nuclear weapon
Tactical nuclear weapon
A tactical nuclear weapon refers to a nuclear weapon which is designed to be used on a battlefield in military situations. This is as opposed to strategic nuclear weapons which are designed to menace large populations, to damage the enemy's ability to wage war, or for general deterrence...

s. Because it requires the entire chor to perform, enemy fighters can prevent it by erasing the "contrails". is a standard combat pattern used by many Simoun chors. It may be performed by a single Simoun, or in concert to maximize the damage. is, along with the Tsunami Ri Mājon, one of Mamiina's specialties. It is a potent attack that requires only one Simoun. . Attempted by Aaeru and Morinas in episode 04. is another standard combat pattern. is Rimone's signature Ri Mājon and is similar in appearance to the Diamond Ri Mājon with more degrees of symmetry. Its destructive potential is similar to the Iron Ri Mājon with fewer Simouns, but it is harder to execute even for seasoned Sibyllae. . Mentioned in episode 07.. Mentioned in episode 12. Ri Mājon used for rescue etc. Neviril and Aael their Regina Simoun used it to avoid the crash death of falling " Kaim " who is fallen into "The Argentum's Flying-Aircraft Career". It turns by a pitch narrow as the spring (spring) is drawn in the air in the spiral, also to the falling object, it descends while turning, the impact is caught, and it maintains it in the air in the force field.

Ancient Simoun

The Ancient Simoun are, as the name suggests, Simoun of a much older design than the current Simulacrum models. In contrast to the modern movable and inline configuration of the helical motors, the ancient models have their motors positioned above and just behind the cockpits at an angle, forming a V-shape to the fuselage. Their capabilities are, thus far, equivalent to the Simulacran models—they can draw Ri Mājons (including the complex ones requiring multiple aircraft), and have comparable maneuverability and speed to the Simulacran Simoun.

During an investigation of the sacred Ruins, Chor Tempest discovered that several of these aircraft had been stolen by Plumbum Highland priestesses. The stolen Ancient Simoun were later equipped with Argentine wireless communication devices, giving them a decisive tactical advantage over the Simulacran models. Combined with the powerful heavy fighter
Heavy fighter
A heavy fighter is a fighter aircraft designed to carry heavier weapons or operate at longer ranges. To achieve acceptable performance, most heavy fighters were twin-engined, and many had multi-place crews....

s of their Argentum allies, these Simoun handed Simulacrum their major losses of the war.

These Simoun were apparently commonplace in Simulacrum's infancy, although most people at the time did not know how to operate them. It seems logical that these were reconfigured into the models used by Simulacrum during the war.


The Simile Simoun is a scaled-down simple model version of the Simoun which is mainly used for training, and has single and dual cockpit configurations. They have a similar design with a single, somewhat simpler helical motor. The structure of a full-fledged Simoun foresees a pair of the original helical motor, while Simile uses "half of a pair", a single helical motor replicated by modern Simulacrum factories, whose parameters are inferior to that of the original ones. A Simile cannot conjure Ri Mājons.

While Simile are used for training sybillae in correct formation in normal flight and in Ri Mājons, they are also used by non-sybillae for combat and cargo transport.

External links

Yui's Simoun fan page (mecha section)
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.