SimpleMail are two free, open-source email clients first released publicly in September, 2002 and April, 2005.

First client features

SimpleMail is a simple to use but powerful mail client for Amiga OS. It supports the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP (in a simple form) protocols. Furthermore, among much other features, it is capable of showing HTML mails and can identify spam mails by using a Bayesian
Bayesian refers to methods in probability and statistics named after the Reverend Thomas Bayes , in particular methods related to statistical inference:...


Second client security features

The developer has stated that SimpleMail was designed with security in mind. A key feature of SimpleMail is its UAP (Unwanted Access Protection) system that removes all images, JavaScript
JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles....

, ActiveX
ActiveX is a framework for defining reusable software components in a programming language-independent way. Software applications can then be composed from one or more of these components in order to provide their functionality....

, and other scripts from unwanted emails; this leaves just the message body and any attachments, increasing the security of email. Also, it is compatible with most anti-viruses which contain inbound and outbound email scanning enabled. To help further increase security, SimpleMail does not actually download email messages to the hard drive, but instead reads them directly from the mail server. A caveat to this, however, is that the messages on the server will need to be cleaned out (via a webmail interface) to reduce download times.

External links

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