Skull Bearers (Shannara)
Skull Bearers are fictional minor characters from two books of the Shannara
Shannara is an epic fantasy series of novels written by Terry Brooks, beginning with The Sword of Shannara in 1977 and continuing through Bearers of the Black Staff which was released on August 24, 2010, as well as a prequel, First King of Shannara...

series, First King of Shannara
First King of Shannara
The First King of Shannara is a 1996 epic fantasy novel by Terry Brooks. It is a prequel to Brooks' The Sword of Shannara and is set during the Second War of the Races...

and The Sword of Shannara
The Sword of Shannara
The Sword of Shannara is a 1977 epic fantasy novel by Terry Brooks. The first book of the Original Shannara Trilogy, it was followed by The Elfstones of Shannara and The Wishsong of Shannara. Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and historical adventure fiction, Brooks began writing...

, epic fantasy
High fantasy
High fantasy or epic fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy that is set in invented or parallel worlds. High fantasy was brought to fruition through the work of authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, whose major fantasy works were published in the 1950s...

 novels written by Terry Brooks
Terry Brooks
Terence Dean "Terry" Brooks is an American writer of fantasy fiction. He writes mainly epic fantasy, and has also written two movie novelizations. He has written 23 New York Times bestsellers during his writing career, and has over 21 million copies of his books in print...

. According to the fictional history of the series, the Skull Bearers were Druids once upon a time, but they were subverted by the Ildatch along with Brona, who would later become the Warlock Lord
Warlock Lord
The Warlock Lord is the principal villain of Terry Brooks' novel The Sword of Shannara....

. They "sacrificed their humanity" to become "winged black destroyers"; but in doing this, they tied themselves to their master, the Warlock Lord, and became his "dread minion[s]". As a result, when he died as a result of Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford is a fictional character and the protagonist of Terry Brooks' epic fantasy novel The Sword of Shannara. In the universe, he is the last known person with the blood of Jerle Shannara, making him the only one who can wield the powerful Sword of Shannara to vanquish the Warlock Lord.-...

 using the Sword of Shannara, the Skull Bearers were slain with him.

Prior to and during First King of Shannara

In lives long before First King of Shannara, Brona and his followers were Druids. They decided to experiment with magic, which was frowned upon by the Druids. Rather than stop, Brona and his followers left, taking a magical tome named the Ildatch with them. However, the Ildatch subverted them, causing Brona to morph into the Warlock Lord
Warlock Lord
The Warlock Lord is the principal villain of Terry Brooks' novel The Sword of Shannara....

, a being with great psychological powers, including the power of telepathy. His most loyal followers were mutated into black monsters with wings, claws and great magical powers, including the ability to fire red bolts from their eyes and green fire from their hands. They acquired their name, "Skull Bearers", from the silver Skull-shaped pendants that they wore in their role as generals during the First War of the Races.

In First King of Shannara, the Skull Bearers served as scouts and emissaries for the Warlock Lord, and they a constant hazard to the Druid Bremen
Bremen (Shannara)
Bremen is a fictional character from Terry Brooks' Shannara series of epic fantasy novels. He appears in the First King of Shannara, the prequel to The Sword of Shannara....

 and his companions. One appeared at the beginning of First King, but it just missed Bremen
Bremen (Shannara)
Bremen is a fictional character from Terry Brooks' Shannara series of epic fantasy novels. He appears in the First King of Shannara, the prequel to The Sword of Shannara....

 and Kinson Ravenlock. A few were present during the sacking of Paranor
Paranor is a fictional location in Terry Brooks' epic fantasy Shannara series. It is the home of the Druids, but it has fallen to enemies of the Druids several times since its initial construction...

 and two took part in the massacre of almost every member of the royal family of the Elves
Elves (Shannara)
Elves are one of the races in the Shannara series of epic fantasy novels by Terry Brooks. They are the only race of the faerie creatures still in the World, though they now have become mortal. Though Elves usually refers to the Westland Elves, Elves can be split into two: the "Land Elves" and the...

, the Ballindarochs. Another two appear in the attempt to stop the acquisition of the Black Elfstone, but they were slain by Tay Trefenwyd when Tay used the Elfstones' magic.

No more Skull Bearers came until one appeared to Mareth, claiming that he was her father. However, Kinson was able to prove to her that it was a wolf in sheep's clothing; Mareth's magic then utterly obliterated it. When Jerle Shannara
Jerle Shannara
Jerle Shannara is a fictional character from Terry Brooks' Shannara series of epic fantasy novels. Only mentioned as a long-deceased person in the Original Shannara Trilogy, he is one of the main characters of the prequel novel First King of Shannara.- Biography :Jerle begins the story as captain...

 used the Sword of Shannara upon the Warlock Lord, all of the Skull Bearers were banished along with him.

The Sword of Shannara

500 years later, the Skull Bearers returned along with the Warlock Lord. One almost found Flick, but Allanon saved him:
Several of them were sent to hunt Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford is a fictional character and the protagonist of Terry Brooks' epic fantasy novel The Sword of Shannara. In the universe, he is the last known person with the blood of Jerle Shannara, making him the only one who can wield the powerful Sword of Shannara to vanquish the Warlock Lord.-...

 and Allanon
Allanon is a fictional character from the epic fantasy Original Shannara Trilogy and the trilogy's prequel, First King of Shannara; all four are by Terry Brooks. Described as Brooks' "most enigmatic character", Allanon is very secretive and appears only when needed...

, but they were unable to kill the heroes, despite one finding Shea
Shea Ohmsford
Shea Ohmsford is a fictional character and the protagonist of Terry Brooks' epic fantasy novel The Sword of Shannara. In the universe, he is the last known person with the blood of Jerle Shannara, making him the only one who can wield the powerful Sword of Shannara to vanquish the Warlock Lord.-...

 and Flick
Flick Ohmsford
Flick Ohmsford is a character in The Sword of Shannara, a novel by Terry Brooks....

 alone (dawn came, and it had to leave) and another took Allanon by surprise in the furnace of Paranor
Paranor is a fictional location in Terry Brooks' epic fantasy Shannara series. It is the home of the Druids, but it has fallen to enemies of the Druids several times since its initial construction...

. Yet another attacked Keltset, Panamon Creel and Shea in the fields of Streleheim. A third flew over Tyrsis on the final day of the battle, but it was killed, along with the rest of the Skull Bearers, when Brona fell to Shea and the Sword of Shannara.

Critical reception

Reviewers and critics had mixed opinions on the Skull Bearers. Praise for them came from Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
Franklin Patrick Herbert, Jr. was a critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author. Although a short story author, he is best known for his novels, most notably Dune and its five sequels...

, the author of Dune
Dune (novel)
Dune is a science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert, published in 1965. It won the Hugo Award in 1966, and the inaugural Nebula Award for Best Novel...

, who also liked all of the "monsters" in The Sword of Shannara. He said that "[Terry] Brooks creates distillations of horror that hark back to childhood's shadows, when the most important thing about a fearful creature was that you didn't know its exact shape and intent. You only knew that it wanted you. The black-winged skull bearer, for instance, is more than a euphemism for death." Tom Shippey
Tom Shippey
Thomas Alan Shippey is a scholar of medieval literature, including that of Anglo-Saxon England, and of modern fantasy and science fiction, in particular the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, about whom he has written several scholarly studies. He is widely considered one of the leading academic scholars...

 wasn't so positive, as he thought that the Skull Bearers were very familiar to those who had read The Lord of the Rings: he found that the Skull Bearers were "analogues
Analogue (literature)
The term analogue is used in literary history in two related senses:* a work which resembles another in terms of one or more motifs, characters, scenes, phrases or events....

" for the Nazgûl
The Nazgûl are fictional characters in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium...

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