Snark sailboat
The Snark is a lightweight lateen rigged
A lateen or latin-rig is a triangular sail set on a long yard mounted at an angle on the mast, and running in a fore-and-aft direction....

A sailboat or sailing boat is a boat propelled partly or entirely by sails. The term covers a variety of boats, larger than small vessels such as sailboards and smaller than sailing ships, but distinctions in the size are not strictly defined and what constitutes a sailing ship, sailboat, or a...

. The early Snarks had hulls made of expanded polystyrene (EPS is most commonly known by the tradename Styrofoam
Styrofoam is a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company for closed-cell currently made for thermal insulation and craft applications. In 1941, researchers in Dow's Chemical Physics Lab found a way to make foamed polystyrene...

). Later versions have an EPS hull clad inside and out with a layer of ABS
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene is a common thermoplastic. Its melting point is approximately 105 °C ....

. At fifty pounds, eleven feet long with a thirty-eight inch beam, these boats are easy to transport, easy to sail, and unsinkable, a good choice for a beginner or day sailing.

In 1971, KOOL initiated a campaign where consumers could purchase a Snark carrying the Kool logo — for $88 along with one KOOL carton flap. These were non-ABS wrapped versions and retailed for $120. As one of KOOL's highest scoring ads, the company received over 18,000 orders for "Sea Sharks" in 1971 and the campaign was repeated in 1972.

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