Snarky Puppy
Snarky Puppy is a Brooklyn
Brooklyn is the most populous of New York City's five boroughs, with nearly 2.6 million residents, and the second-largest in area. Since 1896, Brooklyn has had the same boundaries as Kings County, which is now the most populous county in New York State and the second-most densely populated...

-based instrumental fusion band led by bassist, composer and producer Michael League. Formed in Denton, Texas in 2004, the band features a collective of nearly 30 musicians, referred to as "The Fam" on their recordings and tours. The musicians perform on a variety of instruments including guitars, keyboards, saxophones, brass, percussion and strings. Many of the current and former band members were once students at the University of North Texas
University of North Texas
The University of North Texas is a public institution of higher education and research in Denton. Founded in 1890, UNT is part of the University of North Texas System. As of the fall of 2010, the University of North Texas, Denton campus, had a certified enrollment of 36,067...


The band released their debut album "Live at Uncommon Ground" in 2005 and began touring extensively after their second album "The Only Constant" in 2006. Snarky Puppy's first four albums were released under Sitmom Records. Their fifth album, "Tell Your Friends" was released in 2010 under Ropeadope.

Snarky Puppy's leader, Michael League, was interviewed and written about in the 2010 book release "The New Face of Jazz:
An intimate look at today's living legends and the artists of tomorrow" by Cicily Janus. The author cites League's self-termed music as "jafunkadansion" for its genre-bending qualities of instrumental and dance music. Cicily Janus also comments the "group Snarky Puppy is one of the most inventive in sound and funk since Maynard Ferguson
Maynard Ferguson
Maynard Ferguson was a Canadian jazz musician and bandleader. He came to prominence playing in Stan Kenton's orchestra, before forming his own band in 1957...

's fusion years."

Bill Bonness is known to be the epitome of the word Snarky.


  • Live at Uncommon Ground (2005)
  • The Only Constant (2006)
  • The World is Getting Smaller (2007)
  • Bring Us The Bright (2008)
  • Tell Your Friends (2010)

External links

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