Soboba Classic
The Soboba Golf Classic is a golf tournament on the Nationwide Tour
Nationwide Tour
The Nationwide Tour is the developmental tour for the U.S.-based PGA Tour, and features professional golfers who have either failed to score well enough at that level's Qualifying School to earn their PGA Tour card, or who have done so but then failed to win enough money to stay at that level...

. It is played at The Country Club at Soboba Springs, owned by the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
The Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians is a federally recognized tribe of Luiseño people, headquartered in Riverside County, California. On June 18, 1883, the Soboba Reservation was established by the United States government in San Jacinto, California....

, in San Jacinto, California
San Jacinto, California
San Jacinto is a city in Riverside County, California, U.S.A. It was named after Saint Hyacinth and is located at the north end of the San Jacinto Valley, with Hemet to its south. The mountains associated with the valley are the San Jacinto Mountains. The population was 44,199 at the 2010...

. It was first played in 2009.

The purse in 2011 was $750,000 with $135,000 going to the winner.


Soboba Golf Classic
  • 2011   Ted Potter, Jr.
    Ted Potter, Jr.
    Ted Potter, Jr. is an American professional golfer from Silver Springs, Florida.Potter was born in Ocala, Florida. He graduated, class of 2002, from Lake Weir High School in southeastern Marion County, Florida. Potter is currently a member of the Nationwide Tour. He is a left-handed golfer, but...

  • 2010   Steven Bowditch
    Steven Bowditch
    Steven Bowditch is an Australian professional golfer who currently plays on the Nationwide Tour and the PGA Tour of Australasia....

Soboba Classic
  • 2009   Jerod Turner
    Jerod Turner
    Jerod A. Turner is an American professional golfer.Turner was born in Oak Harbor, Washington. He turned professional in 2000 and played on mini-tours until qualifying for the 2009 Nationwide Tour....

External links

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